
Not if you ask Foote & Goetz :)

This is a very up-lifting read. So many people (mostly women) coming together with great ideas to fundraise for great and important projects. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see more men participate in these grassroots movements - and by participating I mean more than just throwing some cash at the problem.

I love romance, I love democracy, and as a FL liberal I love what Abram’s is doing for GA.

Really hope they depict Thatcher as the monster she was, as opposed to “well-meaning but went too far” or even worse, “strong woman who was brought down by angry men.” But given how timid this show has been in its social commentary, I don’t have high hopes.

Seduced presents Keith’s true ideology. The Vow presents a candycoated version of his ideology meant to make the people who believed it look better. If you want to understand how he manipulated people, you have to watch Seduced. On it’s surface, Keith’s teachings were always harmful. There’s a reason why Nancy asked

Supposedly, (IIRC) India was Allison Mack’s DOS “slave”, so I hope “Seduced” has a lot more Allison Mack content than The Vow wound up having.

Binged it. Not commenting on the story.

Perhaps. They are certainly shading it that way. But when it comes to a choice between her connection to a black woman and power, she’ll choose power.

I laughed my ass off when old Shoggy threw that cop across the lawn. 

I think Christina fundamentally lacks empathy for other human beings, and typically people like that (narcissists or, say, overgrown orange toddlers who have the launch codes) tend to assume that other people are just like them, and thus will twist their narrative to fit.

caricature of black girls made by white men

Good catch on Ji-Ah being able to enter the house. That didn’t occur to me despite being reminded when the police showed up later on.

Ji-Ah got in to the house. She isn’t a threat and I think she will be back. She also said that she killed 100 men. Tic was supposed to be the hundredth. Has she killed one last and banished her curse?

I knew it. I knew the moment Tic became so overprotective with water and resting. I knew he knew. And I knew he knew because of what he learnt going through the portal. I didn’t know he went to the future. The future when his son wrote Lovecraft Country instead of Matt Ruff. Or at least something much closer to

It was so eerie to see the curse the white policeman put on Diana was the caricature of black girls made by white men. The images of the black tropes spy on her - from the ad on the wall to Uncle Tom’s Cabin book. And then she is followed by monsters only she can see.

Maybe a controversial take, but...

* No mention of A Wrinkle in Time? It was a bad movie, but GMR was very good in it and had great chemistry with Chris Pine.

I’m a fan (she was great in Belle, SJ, and FC), but I didn’t even realize she was in Jupiter Ascending. No surprise, I guess - I can’t remember a damned thing about that movie.

100% agree. More people need to be aware of “...Lights”.

Beyond The Lights is a very good movie that didn’t seem to get the attention it deserved, and Mbatha-Raw is great in it. (While I’m glad Gina Prince-Blythewood got to make a big action movie this year that seems to have done well, I wish it were anywhere near as good as Lights or Love And Basketball.)