
Probably not, but I think that isn’t what’s at play for Jaden. You deserve to feel super fucking proud of all you’ve accomplished. He’s a rich child playing house with Monopoly money.

That’s a good point. If your 15-year-old kid wants to move out and be increasingly independent, that’s a worthwhile goal, but you work towards it in age- and child-appropriate ways: maybe they start paying you rent/a share of the utilities, or put them in charge of doing one week’s grocery shopping and meal planning,

DO IT! That sounds like it would be an AMAZING show.

Lizzo is AMAZING! I’ve been listening to a fair amount of Kacey Musgraves (I’m obsessed with her new album).


Back when HRC was Secretary of State, the department made it significantly easier for trans people to change their gender identification on their passports (still within the binary, but it was a far faster process); having their correct gender on a passport made it easier to get those changes on other forms of

Good on this kid! They are doing the damned thing, and it is inspiring AF.

Thank you so much! I have literally 2-3 things left to pack, and then taking a bunch of shit to the dumpster, and cleaning (and I plan on doing those last 2 things tomorrow after the movers leave). I am so close to freedom!

Right? I’m in the midst of packing (movers come tomorrow AM and I am suddenly questioning why I own 20 mugs), and this has me feeling so much better! I will play this as I go out for a celebratory rum cocktail once all this packing is done.

I need ALL of this in my makeup collection.

Ooh, those all sound like great ideas! If I had the money, I’d love to spend a month in the UK. I could visit my sister, hit up a fuckton of National Trust properties, and go up to Scotland (I’d visit Shetland for the yarn, spend a few days in Edinburgh, and do a walking tour of the Highlands). Where in the tropics

That sounds AMAZING! Good luck with finishing it; I’m sure it will be great!

That sounds like an awesome choice! What’s your favorite workout? I’m taking tennis lessons for the first time, which should (hopefully) be fun.

By any chance, are you Villanelle from Killing Eve? Otherwise, YES to movies! The new Mr. Rogers documentary is coming out next month, and I fully intend to see it at least twice and cry heavily each time.

Okay, I just checked out the website for the Folk School and it sounds like EVERYTHING. Crafts, non-competitive learning, AND it’s in North Carolina? I’m going to have to book a trip there before I leave the country.

Naked outdoor mangoes is the DREAM; sadly, I will be 1) at my parents’ house, 2) in suburban Utah, deep in the heart of Mormondom. I aspire to going to a naked (or at least topless) beach someday soon, where I can make my naked mango dreams come true. For now, I’ll have to settle for bare shoulders (gasp!) and a

Congratulations on graduation! You’re so close, and also have ALL of my sympathies, because I just graduated and had to push through my own bullshit class (international econ—ugh). Hope you enjoy your 6-12 months of freedom!

My favorite thing to watch when my anxiety is in overdrive is actually this lovely kids’ show on Netflix called Sarah and Duck. Sarah is 7, and she lives with her best friend, a duck, in some small English town. They go on adventures to the park or the shops, and the narrator is Roger Allam (from V For Vendetta, but

I’ve made a list for my 24-hour box with stuff I’ll pack last, but I’m just kind of assuming I’ll end up having to muddle through something I meant to leave out but didn’t.

True! I’ll have to get in some hiking in the nearby mountains, and maybe take a weekend to either make it up towards the Idaho border or down towards Arizona.