YES, FRY SAUCE! It is a thing of beauty and perfection, and I cannot wait to go back to Utah after graduation and enjoy the rivers of fry sauce.
YES, FRY SAUCE! It is a thing of beauty and perfection, and I cannot wait to go back to Utah after graduation and enjoy the rivers of fry sauce.
I tried listening to the T Swift version until she said it was the 28th night of September and I had to stop the blasphemy.
Right? Supergirl is NOT okay with this shit, and neither am I.
My father occasionally asks me if I would like a gun: as a teenager, going shooting together was one of the only things we both enjoyed, and he knows I live alone in a city, which makes him far more nervous than it does me. I consistently refuse, because I know exactly how responsible someone needs to be to own a gun,…
You’ve MADE my day! I didn’t know this!
I would love for the two of them to play a mother and daughter in a film. It would be AMAZING.
If I weren’t already bisexual, I would be after watching this video. DAMN.
Do I need cable to watch this? I’m not sure where it’s airing.
I had a weakness for Anastasia—her upbringing seemed so weird! On the one hand, lavish parties and immense wealth. On the other, dad’s insistence on cold showers and army cots!
I have never found a bookmark that makes me as happy.
Tusk would be EXCELLENT adapted for a marching band!
I was not a good Mormon when I was one because I cannot stand Jell-o salad; the texture of Jell-o really squicks me out.
I’m so sorry that happened to you. You didn’t deserve that; no one does. I hope you feel happier and safer now.
Indeed! It isn’t a thing that’s going to stop me from having kids (my personality and inability to make a relationship last will probably do that), but damn if it isn’t deeply distressing how little women are valued—something that becomes even clearer when the women in question aren’t white.
Nice! My mom is still a practicing Mormon, and uses her perspective as a divorced single mother who worked two jobs to (gently, in a Christlike way) stick it to the retrograde gender bullshit that crops up in Sunday School. Like when someone was shitting on “young women these days” for being on birth control as…
It is the power of telling one’s own story: we can’t always know who we touch with our honesty, but as a reader, that feeling of being so powerfully seen by reading about someone else who went through what we went is healing. It can even heal the parts of you you didn’t know were broken.
Your mom made the right move on hiding “Fascinating Womanhood”; Mormonism teaches some weird, horrifying shit to and about women and girls. Example: the licked cupcake metaphor for why we should never Do The Sex before marriage.
I’m with you; I ADORED the AG books as a girl (which then spun off into a love of The Royal Diaries and the Dear America books). I think if they did it as a review-style show, it could be really interesting. Lots of uptempo power anthems, a heartbreaking duet in the style of “Some Things Are Meant to Be” when…
My money is on insufferable.
Heigl was raised LDS, and though she’s no longer practicing, she has spoken about how she feels like Utah is a good place to raise her kids (this was the same Good Housekeeping interview where she called sixth-grade girls “sluts”, so her judgment isn’t stellar). But as someone who spent part of their childhood in both…