
I want nothing so much as to go to brunch with Ann Curry. A pitcher of Bloody Marys and a fuckton of gossip. Please and thank you.

There’s a Girl Scout who sells on my campus, and she’s a champ—a high school student and her mom, hanging out with a table, a bunch of cookie boxes, and a laminated sign with their Venmo information so you can buy cookies on your way to class. Magic.

They were the kind with suction cups at the end instead of arrowheads, which was less destructive, thankfully.

The swamp tour story about killed me. And you’re right, her advocacy for foster kids is incredible. I love that she’s so talented and also just a really lovely person.

I love that! I’m pretty sure it’s her and my dad, who has gotten OBSESSED with Groupon since he retired, starting with giving all the grandkids crossbows for Christmas!

The Döner Party is just too perfect, and nothing will surpass its pristine beauty.

I’d buy that calendar.

I LOVE Wives and Daughters! I’m a big Elizabeth Gaskell fan, and this was one of the first adaptations of her work I saw as a teen. Plus, Justine Waddell is super compelling (her Tess of the D’Urbervilles is wrenching af).

I don’t think people are saying it’s all the same; it’s that it all matters. And creating a culture where people are expected to put up with these smaller violations in the name of not making a fuss, it sets the groundwork for increasingly violent and intrusive assault.

Hey, he’s still no longer in your life, so that counts as a win in my book!

Get that D! Have so much fun!

This is such an evocative analogy. Well done!

DC dating is...oof. So many white lawyers with commitment issues. SO MANY!

By any chance, was your hometown Charlotte? Because that is SUCH a Charlotte thing to do.

By any chance, was your hometown Charlotte? Because that is SUCH a Charlotte thing to do.

Slow clap. This is seriously an excellent comment. (Also, congratu-fucking-lations on your degree and your kiddo. That shit is seriously cool as fuck. You rock!)

Jesus, that guy sounds like an asshole! Well done on getting rid of him.

3.7%? HOW? I graduated in 2012, all federal loans, and mine are all at 6.8%. It’s insane.

Oh, that’s such an important point. I’m not a huge fan of the way that OP was dripping with disdain for her sister for having children from more than one relationship and at a young age. Maybe your sister doesn’t like you because she sees that you view her as trashy? It’s hard to love someone who treats you with

It reminds me a bit of reading Jacob Have I Loved (which is a fucking TERRIBLE book, btw, still mad about it), but it taught me an important lesson—in dynamics where you are clearly the not-favorite, the only way to win is not to play. Get the fuck out and make your own happiness that doesn’t depend on the people who