CONGRATULATIONS! That’s seriously amazing.
CONGRATULATIONS! That’s seriously amazing.
That totally counts! My old roommate used to make me eat cloves of garlic (and drink cups of broth with cayenne pepper and lemon) to ward off illness. I don’t know if it worked, but I was mostly okay!
Thank you so much! That means a lot.
I mean, based on the other classes I’m in, I should be okay from a GPA perspective, but it’s disheartening to realize that an entire semester of doing the readings, studying, and participating in class hasn’t resulted in my mastering the material to my prof’s satisfaction.
That is such a beautiful quote! I am totally NOT drunk-crying in my bathtub over it. Nope. Entirely chill. (/lies)
FACTS. Also, that dish looks delicious.
Thank you so much. That means a lot.
Squishing babies is the BEST! I am going through baby-withdrawal at the moment, because no one I know has babies/is near enough for me to squish their babies. If you live in the DMV and have a squishable baby, let me know! I’ve been babysitting for fifteen years and have references!
What’s making me happy? I just ended my most recent stint of therapy and even though I was nervous about it, my therapist told me how much she believes that I have the tools and have done the work to be successful without a regular therapeutic relationship, which is exciting! I’m choosing to believe in myself!
I firmly believe that these people are trash, and i hope that they step on a Lego while going downstairs, even if (especially if) they don’t have kids.
WHAT UP?! I spent the whole day studying for my final exam that is 50% of my grade on Monday! (Not freaked out, it is totally fine even though my professor makes no sense to any of us or even the students in the other section of this course). I got ghosted this week by the dude who asked me out for a second date, so I…
That is amazing. I respect the shit out of your strength and courage. I’m sorry that it was needed in the first place.
I’m so sorry. That was a shitty thing that happened to you, and it would suck to see that person performing “giving a shit about women” after what happened. I’m really sorry you had to go through that.
Oh, yes! I do love the red cabbage. It’s the one spot of color in the whole affair, apart from the raspberry syrup on top of the rice pudding (last year, I FINALLY found the almond and won the marzipan pig!)
Oh, that sounds lovely! Right now, my bedroom (I say bedroom, but I live in a studio, so it’s mostly just my bed) is yellow and gray, which I love, but also looks kind of like a Drybar. I’m starting to consider other color options, and I do really love purple.
I think your kiddo and my nephews would be friends. My sister sent me a video of her boys the other day playing dress up: Elsa and Anne Boleyn. It makes me so happy that they feel comfortable and happy having female heroes and examples.
So glad we understand each other!
I’m absolutely crackers about cheese!
Oh trust, I’ve seen Holiday Inn, and while I’m entirely aware that everyone was mad fucking racist, I’m still not cool with it.