
I prefer actually cooking the day of, but there is an element of planning that needs to go into entertaining: I have a battle plan, working backwards from sit-down time to whenever I need to start. Set the table that morning so it isn’t on the list, and by the time guests arrive the dinner is basically resting, the

The Tom Sawyer dinner party.

I accidentally got a free bar cart when I bought my dining table and chairs, and it was amazing.

So true! My kitchen has a window, so I enjoy airing it out while I wash the dishes—everything is restored to zero by the time I’m done cleaning up.

I hate those people. I admittedly have some hardcore hostess neurosis, so I have a battle plan: guests arrive at 7, and I work backwards from sit-down at 7:30 so everything is ready.

Bingo! I live in a studio right now, but my kitchen is basically its own room (it just doesn’t have a door). I can have people over for dinner, but no one can see the sink, which is all I really want.

I LOVE this! I didn’t realize that Le Creuset has pink Dutch ovens, and now I kind of want one.

I think your primary obligation is to keep your children safe. Not everyone has a grandfather that is a safe person, and you are not causing your children harm by deciding that their grandfather will not be part of their lives. If you want the benefits that grandparents can provide, maybe making friends with elderly

I think the thought process came from realizing she was pregnant—that made Grace more of a threat. Get her out, and then possibly once she had Kinnear locked down, she could bring in someone to handle the drudgery. She’d still end up having to deal with him being a total fucking lecher, but she would at least have the

I got the feeling that Nancy poached Grace from the Parkinsons’ house because she was genuinely isolated and lonely for female companionship, but once Grace arrived, she realized that Grace (even though she didn’t wish to be) was a threat to Nancy’s position with regards to Mr. Kinnear. That makes her hostile—Nancy is

Yay! So glad you enjoyed it. It’s raining and chilly here today, so it might be a day for me to venture back to Midsomer.

Midsomer Murders is pretty much always a good life choice.

Sadly, my current least doesn’t allow it, but once I graduate in May and am working full time, my plan is to get a pet.

Thanks! It was a really good time. Creep LA sounds cool, and I totally get why that wouldn’t be a good idea at present. (Side Note: the Lore episode “First Impressions”, features a hilarious story about a woman who claimed she gave birth to rabbits. Multiple. Rabbits. It’s a favorite bit of what-the-fuckery).

Essentially, it was a big party for first, second, and third grade, held during the school day; they just called it a dance so the kids got to feel cool.

Bomb Girls! I loved that show, and even the TV movie after it got canceled.

I do not! Should I?

Haha, so do I! I hope this tradition spreads far and wide.

YAY! I’m so happy for you! My lighthearted news is that I skipped class on Wednesday to see the Lore live show in DC—an hour and a half of spooky stories inside a historic synagogue and getting to meet my favorite podcaster. It was great!

That’s amazing! I’m working on this, too—I am working on exercising more often, and the time I originally thought would work hasn’t worked, so instead of giving up, I need to go back and find another way to get myself out there. Thanks for the suggestion!