
Good god, that was fucking stupid. Walt's hubris got the best of him, once again, like every other time. It's a major character flaw, and it's fascinating to watch play out.

I pretty much enjoyed the end of the episode, with Ryan's dream with Sneakers, if only because it's shown that Ryan's become a little less depressed from where he was at the beginning of the series.

This was a pretty great episode, mostly because of Hank's scenes. He took the episode. You get the sympathy for him in the scenes in the hallway (…I'm here, if you need someone to lend an ear to), then the awesome full-press treatment when torching Walter on W.W.

I knew that she was someone semi-quasi-famousish who I probably should know, and I spent all of her time on screen trying to figure out who she was.

This was another "meh" episode.
Mostly boring setup for the 2 hours next week. Weaver's arc was just too compressed in this episode for it to register at all.

Jesus Christ.
Not the fucking "Marie steals shit" plotline again. I thought we got past this. It was probably the only forgotten subplot in the entire show, but it deserved to be forgotten because it was a stupid plotline. Yeah, it was driven again by the fact that Hank is a raging dick, but it's a rare awful plot in

When do we get to…
…push Rick off a cliff?

I think I got used to it too. She's still… plumper, but it wasn't as jarring as last week's was.

Should've put the sound system on top of the Roomba.
Then you've got DJ ROOMBA XL!

Don't pie me, bro.
Is all of England this wacky?

Holy shit.
The only thing on television that will touch that scene for tension will be in later episodes this year. Nothing comes close.

Ha ha!