
Eh, some might say Radiohead are boring as shit. To be honest though, I get what you're saying about Adele. Once you've heard three songs on her album, you've heard them all. But yes, all her songs on "21" were about the same person. It doesn't make her any less of an artist; many artists have a "theme" on their

I hate hearing other people's personal conversations from my cubicle. I feel like I have to type really loud or be heard shuffling papers so they don't think I'm eavesdropping.

This is sad... but oh man! I've been rereading and laughing at that last sentence for about two minutes now.

In all fairness, the boy wasn't quite a deadbeat. I believe he worked and helped out with the baby. Her mother said they could live rent-free as long as he provided for the child and the girl. Then she demanded rent a couple months later.

That's how I feel about Benjamin Franklin.

I always wonder the same thing when everyone reports the same stuff in their Dirtbag.

You know, I ordered Howard's End after someone suggested it in some post about Guilty Pleasure books or Summer books or something. Anyway, I could not finish that damn thing! Pray tell: does it ever get good? Why do people like this book? Is it just me?

Neither does she, apparently.

I think it's possible that Sarah may have known Trig had Down's Syndrome and may have just not wanted to talk about her pregnancy due to its high risk nature... but why she wouldn't be more cautious about travel is odd.

Completely agree.

Me and my mom always get eachother something. I guess she's celebrating that I'm a mom too, but I wish she wouldn't. I'm always broke so whatever she gets me is always so much better.

I felt exactly the same! I was thinking, ''She's beautiful, her voice is good... why don't I like this?'' But the radio version of her song isn't as bad as the SNL version.

I understand that Jo overreacts, but I also understand that he was trying to do his best to work it out with Kailyn and she chose to begin seeing someone else almost immediately after their relationship ended, while he and his family were completely supporting her financially. It isn't a mature reaction, but he's a

I had my son when I was 16. Like most teen parents, our relationship wasn't the "forever" kind. I'm 25 and just had my daughter with my fiance. Ideally, any future children would also be from him, but if it doesn't work, I may meet someone else whom I adore and want a child with, and that's okay. Maybe to someone on

Maybe it's just me, but I'm not taking as much of a shine to Kailyn as everyone else here is. She comes off as if she doesn't appreciate what Jo's family does for her. It seems like she just expects things while being able to do whatever she wants. Should Jo call her names or tell her she's poor? Of course not.

Coco is obviously a very beautiful woman, but after going through all of her cover shots, the vast majority are of her making the same expression, which is a sexy gaze with her mouth open. Is it her ability to look great with any haircolor/outfit on that makes her more famous than the next model?

It does seem as though Chris is villainized far more than other celebrities. I really think that is Rhianna wasn't a "star," people would've forgiven/forgotten sooner.

I, for one, am beside myself! I was certain this was a love for the ages!

I have been the victim of domestic violence, to the point where I looked just like Rhianna, if not worse, afterwards. I was able to forgive the person who did it to me and I genuinely wish him the best, and hope he makes something out of his life. I don't know if this is the case for Chris Brown, but people can -and

Well, if you believe Eminem, but he didn't use the term "date"...