
Then melt it!

I put my leg through the strap of my bag while it's on the ground, or I wear my purse while I'm at a bar instead of putting it on my seat. Seems to work so far...

Now watch some asshat in the parking garage park halfway between two spots...

Ceci c'est adorable!

@gabrielwalsh: Generally when non-studio filmmakers say they made something with "no money," they don't actually mean "free." They probably mean they had a lot of volunteers and borrowed gear, but still paid for craft services and stuff like that. Food is the most important part of making a movie.

@DrGonzho: Kirk's rockin a pretty sexy pose in that poster!

@Groucho Marxism: Amend is embracing the online comics wave - and so should you. I know half a dozen online comics that are ten times funnier than the list you gave. Try Gunshow, Chainsaw Suit and XKCD for starters.

They need to install one of those signs at the railroad trestle in Durham, NC.

@MikeHTiger: OH SNAP! Don't start a catfight...

Adenosine, the Santa Claus molecule? It has HoHoHo in it!

@scingram: I'm totally going to look up this series. Crazy!

Reading this, I realize you have to have balls the size of the moon to go there with spacesuits that aren't tested extensively. I have a whole new appreciation for the bravery of astronauts!

If people want to run a theatre in their homes with brand new releases, then they're going to have to pay real movie-theatre-royalties prices for those films.

They essentially found the "Horta" from that old Star Trek ep. except instead of substituting carbon for silicon, it's subbing phosphate for arsenic.

I always thought it had to do with your inner ear and balance.

@steino: iPad? That's some Gizmodo-style powder hound!