
@dallasmay: See if the camera shows up in your disc utility (under Applications/Utilities). It might give you some clues.

There are two things I want in life: an electric car and a DeLorean decked out as a time machine.

@Absent Blue: Clearly, I wasn't the only one left scratching my head after that sentence.

@FiB3R: Yes, please explain this more. I demand Gizmodo-artist-made graphs!

Farewell, sweet Lego prince. You shall be missed!

When I read "they had to send scuba divers to fix it", I had to take another look at the lead photo...

@cc: This is the exact one my brother and I had. I vividly remember ripping this out of the packaging in excitement to soak my brother.

@pixelsnader: Thank goodness for that. I'm so sick of Clint Mansell's theme. Hans Zimmer is a far better composer, so it'll take longer for me to get sick of this one.

You can do this with any of the voices like "Bruce" or "Victoria".

I like the drag-and-drop aspects. Much simpler than navigating a million different settings.

I wonder if the radiation exposure changed the composition of the film in any way. Heat is bad for film preservation, so I wonder if those blasts had an effect on the long-term, normal degradation. I'd love to see a "before" picture if anyone finds one.

@crazycaveman: I agree. Since when do random ninja-steve-jobs rumors become a teachable moment on weaponry and origami? Just too cool.

Just do what I did as a kid. Pull out your sharpie and draw whatever expression you want on the minifig head. I'd draw alternate faces on the back and then use the hair to cover up the one I wanted to hide.

This isn't as huge a problem as it sounds. The BBC article says "Fewer than 100 of 20,000 film reels kept at the North West Film archive are contaminated with fungal mould."

@Yeebles: I'm going to have that "whatwhatwhatwhatwhat" sound in my head for the rest of the day. #lol

@TheLQ: Maybe it did and she was just in shock. I'm surprised they'd make her do it again before having a doctor look at her.

I'd love to see more pet related Gizmodo articles like this one. Apparently a lot of readers have pets!

@corme: With your host, Simon Cowell. One look at him and you'll be sterilized!

Shows don't get made unless there's money to back them. Guy should have become a TV producer - he makes crazy demands like one!