
I absolutely will not. How dare you.

Well done on coping, getting yourself through it, and riding out the storm. The way you handled that was a fucking triumph, and don’t ever forget it.

Last Monday night, I completely fell apart. Despite being on 2 anti-depressants and had taken an anxiety pill (clonopin), the lack of close friends and the fact that my wife was out of town dealing with a sick family member added up to make me feel completely alone. I sat in a parking lot and cried for 15 minutes,

The lies of depression can exist only in isolation. Brought out into the open, lies are revealed for what they are.

The entire obituary is worth reading in full:

Pa has one of the largest prison systems in the us. I read a report that said about 1 in 100 people in the state are in jail (or have been?)

He talked about emotional “ups and downs” and having his life “torn apart” in the media.

I’m working on creating some sort of scholarship for guys who have either already gone through their whole trustfunds or just want to prove to their dads that they can do it totally on their own with their parents only paying their rent, car, and insurance. We’re in the beginning stages, but a kickstarter is in the

You know I’m torn on this! As a woman and person of color it’s great for ME. I mean how nice will it be to just be handed a high paying writers gig without doing any work at all or having any talent, you know? I could call up a few late night shows and have a job tomorrow, no resume or writing samples required!

Never be entirely dependent on any one person or situation, ever.

“So, I think there should be more caution by using the federal government’s power and more focus on trying to rebuild trust from the bottom up.”

What a monstrously cruel and ignorant thing to say. He’s such a vile, ugly person. It must be horrible to be him.

Between this Mark Salling news and the ever present inconceivable support on twitter today for Bill Cosby, here is a picture of my puppy to cheer everyone up.

What is it about us that makes people so mad?

I can’t stand Noah. I want him to go away to prison and Allison and Helen to become besties. And then Cole will help Allison raise Joanie, and Helen’s children will be sent away to boarding school forever because they are entitled, whiny shits. They will have bonfires at the beach as they burn copies of Descent. Oscar

as a lady will it make me want to punch dudes as I walk down the street? I feel sometimes like i’m hanging on by a thread to the thought that I do, in fact, love men but damn if they don’t make it difficult sometimes.

Ralph Nader has never married. Seems that there’s a reason for that.

It’s specifically because he told her to consult her husband that it’s patronizing.

Why does she have to be so bitchy? He was only trying to help. If she doesn’t think her husband is smart, why did she marry him? And why did she have to show off how smart she is in her reply? She must be super insecure, to have to use all those complicated concepts I don’t understand. Women are so emotional... /s

He’s making it ok to be a gun toting racist and that is what is so fucking terrifying about his popularity and the near constant media coverage