Totally! Thank you for seeing the hypocrisy in that. If she hates fame so much, why is she on the cover of a major magazine and doing a fashion spread? Come on.
Totally! Thank you for seeing the hypocrisy in that. If she hates fame so much, why is she on the cover of a major magazine and doing a fashion spread? Come on.
So where do we get this stuff? And how much is it gonna run me to get me chin dechubbed?
These sound pretty minor compared to the “erection lasting more than four hours” that comes with the boner pills. I’d totally go for this stuff.
There we go...
I think in the tux picture it’s that horrible 70’s porn star stache that ruins it. I’m hoping he’s sporting that godawful hairy thing just for True Detective and we won’t have to see that anymore after he’s done with that show.
Loved him in Saving Mr. Banks. Don’t think he got enough credit for that performance. Unfortunately probably due to his reputation as COLIN FARRELL the sex-crazed drug-doing Irishman.
These old white guys in Congress need to just go ahead and die already.
I guess there’s always hope, but I was so dissapointed with Texas’ threats to secede after Obama’s re-election never went anywhere.
Possibly. Or maybe he’s just a really good actor.
Y agree with everything you’ve said here. Didn’t really get the author’s take on this episode... Disagreed with a lot of her interpretations.
I took it the way you did. Don was telling Sally to be better than her parents — to have the “character” that the writer guy said Don didn’t have.
Agree with you. Joan was making a point. I was surprised the author thought Joan was serious about dumping the kid.
So sorry! My beloved kitty had lymphoma two years ago (he was only eight!) and I had to have him put to sleep. I was devastated. It's such a heartbreaking thing to do. I feel for you. I promise that one day you will wake up and missing your kitty won't be the first thing you think about.
I work in a large tech company and we curate here now too. Barf.
Starred for gonna go see the Kingsmen this weekend. I'll see you there. I expect to enjoy it but would be more excited if it had more kingswomen in it along with some hot banging among the kingsmen and kingswomen. When will Hollywood figure that out? Seems pretty obvious to me. But like you I know nothing... I'm just…
Say it, sister!
YES on the WAVES! WTF is up with that?????!!!!!!!!!!!
Best assumption yet! I think his hair will save him from a fatal stabbing but he will lose a few of the curly locks. Hence the trim.
In five years he's had to have it trimmed. Otherwise it would be done to his butt or thereabouts. He's gotta do some trimming so that it stays approximately the same length every season.