
This poor, poor little girl. You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life - abuse within families is as complicated as it is horrific, and it could not be clearer that the adults in her life are encouraging her feelings of loss and guilt, rather than those

At the least she still has to live with a mother that thinks her rapist is not such a bad guy and deserves forgiveness.

because insurance companies will only pay for x amount of minutes for a specific type of visit, but a good provider will take as long as it takes to do a good job. So, the appointments don’t always reflect how long it will actually take for you to be seen. If you want to be seen on time, you should try to schedule

Leo only bangs rich and/or famous women. Not hood rats or thirsty fame whores. Like my Granpappy always said, you lay down with dogs, don’t complain about the fleas.

The Pussy Posse is strictly limited to models and dimes looking solely to have a good time, for starters. They’re young women with zero expectations beyond the evening who aren’t looking for a relationship, just a few photo ops, fashion shows, and expensive parties on expensive yachts drinking expensive booze in

A jury of 8, 6 women and 2 men who listened to the testimony, concluded that the plaintiffs version of events didn’t actually occur. Unless you were there you may stop speculating and defer to the jury verdict, or keep living your life like every accused person is guilty. Is Rose a scumbag? Sure. But he also happens

I think it was inbetween. I’m sure Doe was under the influence of alcohol [but not pass-out/black-out/slurring/stumbling drunk] and/or weed and coke (they were partying, after all); I suspect she agreed to group sex, and the next day finally put the pieces together that Rose didn’t give a shit about her and basically

So far it seems that K Calebs are better than C Calebs.

I heard they were tough and rubbery. What did yours taste like?

What the actual fuck?

One of two things needs to happen in the world of paid athletes (and I’m counting professional, major/minor league, as well as the olympics here).

a) Just say fuck it, and let these performers put any substance they want into their bodies. Level the playing field, as it were, between the super rich (the Armstrong’s

Imagine having to spend 1/3rd of your life on the most excrutiating cruise ship holidays imaginable, with 8am-10pm compulsory “entertainment”.

Kate is way overdressed and they all look totally bored.

Let’s see.... right click... save image as...

this gif is hilarious and scary at the same time.

“Look at this poor who is taking our picture.”

Eric is piiiiiiiised at this photographer.

Jesus Christ I want to punch them so bad. It’s a satisfaction that would nourish me through prison.

The children of the corn are confused.