
Even so, How does that equate as rape? GTFO and read the book u moron!

Except this movie wasn’t about rape/revenge nor was the original story. So the title of this click-bait should be: Gerald’s Game-Not a rape revenge story,at all.

Except this movie wasn’t about rape/revenge nor was the original story. So the title of this click-bait should be: Gerald’s Game-Not a rape revenge story,at all.

Maybe you should actually read the book before doing a write up and quoting Wikipedia. You know when you finish re-reading A Boy’s Own Story.

Her face looks WAY more accurate than any of the Rey figures, They make Rey look like a dude most of the time lmao.

Or how often you’d fall wearing wedges lmao amiright? You know if you were an actual super hero.

Yeah it’s strange to have a fictional character wearing wedges lmao

Just wait, I’m sure they’ll have a RealDolls Wonder Woman available shortly lmao!

This is the best information to date that shows the administration is trying to suppress evidence of Russian/Trump interference in the elections. As the mechanics of this whole shit show plays out they arrest the “leaker” which in all reality should be considered a “whistle blower”. Wake the fuck up people. This shit

Sry I tend to overreact to horrible people like him.

I can tell by ur response... You kinda wanted it :)

Just a reference to a post the other day about a vapebong. But now that u mention it maybe I will. ha:)

If you really want him to suffer send him a letter detailing your vape/bong/twilight wonder device. I’m sure he’d “peace” within minutes of reading about it.

Totally agree, but it’s going to be tough to find an inmate that can take this punk bitch,him being ex-MMA n all... They need to team up an cash him ousside the showers LMAO!

Ok so your saying death before rape, I get it. But see the thing is the punishment should fit the crime, Agree? Death is too easy for this cuck. And you know the whole eye for an eye, do unto other’s such n such, That’s why I rape would be a fair punishment for him. I think you actually have to kill someone to get a

He’s not going to get out in 2 months (or something), read; he’s got 36 years to contemplate his actions. But wishing death on somebody is a little harsh no? I’d rather he get raped and beaten daily which would be more of an approximation of the pain and agony he he inflicted on others.

OMG as I was reading this I was like wtf is going on here? Am I in Bizzaro world or what? So I read the Vulture review .... WAT DA FUK... Wow. Thats some fucked up shit!

I think Lucid Dreaming is something you either can do or just cant. I remember pretty much every dream I have, I can tell if I’ve had the same dream before, which happens often, or if it occurs in the same setting, scenario etc... I’ve even taken supplements to try and become Lucid (Galantamine), And although my

Wow what a loss! He almost had me switching from R1 to CBR... Almost lol. I’m going to be watching

It’s not suppose to drop until like mid-june, also they only have the first 10 episodes so I don’t think it’s really going to impact them financially , That’s why they didn’t pay the ransom