
The way they set up that scene before she confronts her husband was just so amazing. She is presented all through the show as this pillar of glam fierceness (mainly because she is) but when she stripped everything bare and looked at him she totally owned it the moment. No makeup, No wig. Nothing. Just "I'm here and

This one?

He only wanted a wee keek!

What did you say?

I am oddly hot for Dougal and his menacing authority. Have I said too much? I said too much didn't I?

Also, her hair is amazing.

I will have to say, TV Dougal is doing a lot for me. He was amusing in the book, but I am really liking on how they're portraying him on the TV.

I think they're both pretty good actors, but I fail to see this chemistry that they supposedly have with one another. Maybe chemistry means something different than what I thought.

I'm so happy that this entire road trip was put down to basically this episode. This was soooooo boring in the book. After a while, it was just I DON'T FUCKING CARE ANYMORE.

AHHH Yay! I've been waiting all day for this!

Sqweee! I only came here for the KNEE PORN: The perfect background shot of the man-child that is JAMMF and the promise of what lies just beyond the hem of that plaid.

Oh Hiddles, you are the prince of my heart, but no.

Please tell me I didn't just imagine that he said he was "too old for [] shit" at some point during the gathering. That line made my night.

I'm really surprised at the understated hotness of Murtagh because in the books he doesn't sound particularly attractive and he sounds hella old. I have been DIGGING Murtagh on Starz!

Same. And Murtagh and Jamie, perhaps even at the same time...

OK - I love Claire, I really, really do. I have been waiting close to 20 years for her bad-assery to lead the narrative on tv but...FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY I AM POWERLESS AGAINST THE GRAVITATIONAL PULL OF THIS MIDDLE-DISTANCE STARE!

"The chapel smelt of rosemary and jasmine from the bushes outside the window and the sun streamed in the tint-stained glass windows."

Sigh, so true. I make a point of reading all the pending comments in solidarity (plus there's basically no difference between the quality of comments, which is irksome)

Sucks that Suri's dog is missing, but....what the fuck is Katie Holmes wearing in that picture?!

Dear All People,