
"I knew it! Only a girl could cause this much drama with vomiting ha!"

"What if we cared about those living in poverty as much as we care about celebrities?"

I actually like this dress.

My (previously nonexistent) respect for Selena Gomez just skyrocketed.

that top gif reminds me off that trading spaces episode where the crazy designer made their home look like a circus

There you go!

Imma let you finish Callie but Nigella should be played by Rachel Weisz

I'm very surprised that no one is ever like "Maybe all the other photos sucked?" or "Hey, maybe Mindy Kaling picked that one herself." or something. Mindy Kaling isn't like particularly bigger than, say, Christina Hendricks and she has a full body shot in almost every cover she's on. I think with photoshop and all

Honestly, it could be neither a weight or race thing. Because that photo is fucking stunning. I'm a photo editor and retoucher and if I see a photo like that, all other photos in that shoot lose.

Rock-and-roll anus lifestyles are the best!

He learned his duck call technique frequenting tearooms, I'm sure.

that picture gave me the chills

Here, let this take your mind off the Biebs

"Brooklyn's hottest club is called Keri Russell's House..,"

this is how.

People who don't watch a show but read articles about that show and then yell at others that they have issues for watching the show have issues.

Justin Bieber was reportedly "stuffing himself with Toblerone."

Man, Fiona Apple is awesome.

I went as Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.