Marcus Romanus

the best time to invest in anything is immediately after you’ve seen a couple weeks/months/years into the future and you pick the thing that’s gone up by a factor or 10 or 100 or 1000.

I generally tip every day, instead of one lump sum at the end of my stay. This ensures proper distribution among housekeepers that may or may not be rotating responsibilities.

That’s one argument I never understood, does anyone really moves and do interesting things just for the fear of how he/she will be remembered? Personally, I couldn’t care less about that, I do things moved by my curiosity, moral and the good of my family and what people will think about me after I’m dead, is the least

something tells me you’ve never actually dealt with a bed bug infestation

Heres what normal/average people do:

85% accuracy is pretty bad. They don’t even say what there false positive rate is. People who are going to use this bot blindly (and people are going to do that), are going to make lives of innocent students difficult.

Wow. No. Don’t use this tool. That’s not how to value equity comp in pre-IPO companies.

Do we really need a fancy term for talking a walk in the park?

Nailed it. Just go outside more/at all.

still hiking

OK, we’ll split the difference and call it a “hipster walk”

This isn’t even hiking. This is going on a walk.

As someone who grew up in nature, and still spends a lot of time outdoors: it’s called hiking/camping/going outside. If we have to slap a trendy sounding name on it to get people to take a walk in the woods, so be it—but let’s not become to proud of ourselves.

you can keep your number with pre-paid plans. i moved from verizon to at&t to t-mobile, and now to cricket wireless, and kept my number the whole time.

I really thought people were starting to learn not to make assumptions based upon stupid sh*t like this.

Shorts imply unprofessionalism the same way an adult diaper implies incontinence.

Digital Ocean. Currently have one droplet running my personal site, one with my personal repository, and a couple with reddit vote manipulation bots. Its amazingly easy to set up servers. I originally got hooked with the Student Pack from Github. They were smart to offer me that credit.

Digital Ocean. Currently have one droplet running my personal site, one with my personal repository, and a couple

I switched to DigitalOcean a few months ago and couldn’t be happier. It’s not quite as simplified as some but is the most extensive of the cheap options I’ve found.

I switched to DigitalOcean a few months ago and couldn’t be happier. It’s not quite as simplified as some but is the

I had Bells Palsy earlier this year. It was quite scary at the time, but cleared up after a few weeks. I woke up and didn’t initially realise anything was wrong until I cleaned my teeth and found I couldn’t spit properly! It’s very important you get seen by a doctor within the first 72 hours so that you can be