Marcus Romanus

I’ve been there and being the squeaky wheel does get you the grease. Speak up, if they really do value you they’ll do something to keep you.

But if you’re making 20k you’re not contributing enough... /s

I live in WA state, I can confirm this to be true. Personally I love it because I’m a saver not a spender, but I totally don’t pay my “fair share” compared to heavy spenders in this state.

Being in that position kind of makes you wonder if you’re actually carrying your boss(es) all while being paid less, ya? I feel that way all the time and it has me questioning why I do it.

Or just don’t worry about it, because really you’re not going to need those photos anyway...

Ya... last year it was BBQ. All those tasty charred bits are apparently going to kill us.

As a hard of hearing person, I can testify live captions are bad, but not as bad as youtube auto-captions can be.

I’ve seen the opposite. The folks who come to our place and watch shows/movies with us have enjoyed having captions on, saying that it was easier to follow, or seeing character names written helped them. It’s typically not a live captioned program, like the news though, or I doubt they’d enjoy it as much.

Each nail, sure, but what about the drywall itself. Can a 1 foot stretch of drywall support 50lbs without just coming apart?

Each nail, sure, but what about the drywall itself. Can a 1 foot stretch of drywall support 50lbs without just

Your hobby isn’t IT/gaming, it’s learning. Most people don’t think learning is fun or a hobby.

Or just look at Japan’s market...

That’s a pretty graph, now take the scenario where someone retired in 2000 and look at the first 15 years of their retirement and let me know how much “interest” they had to live on during that time.

Ya, but when you do this you keep it in the rice cooker which keeps it “warm” at 150º F which is above the safe temperature. We eat the same batch of rice for up to 2 days when kept in the warming rice cooker. Similarly cold rice comes from a fridge where it’ll be well below the safe 59º F.

Millions are much easier to spend than billions.

84 when completely topped off which takes forever, and 84 when brand new and in warmer weather. Real driving range is < 60 miles on a mostly filled battery for 1st gen now. Add cold or more uphill driving and that goes down even more.

I think most people would be more concerned that the data about them that’s being used is accurate. That’s the transparency people should want. It doesn’t matter how the scores are calculated (unless they’re using prejudice based on unfounded rationale) , just that they’re using accurate data about me to get whatever

Labor laws in the US make it illegal for a company to even ask an employee to sign such a thing. But only for internal sharing (Employees are always allowed to talk about compensation with other employees of the same company by law).

In the US it’s illegal to prohibit employees from discussing compensation with each other. It is legal to have an employee sign an NDA that prohibits them from discussing this outside the company though.

Just balance the key distributions between both feet. You’ll get a better work out from the extra weight ;)

Self employed folks have a lot of retirement investing vehicles available to them.