
I'm holding out for that track on the Special Edition vinyl OST release.

I couldn't finish the first game, even though it was one of the only games I had when I first got an Xbox. After all the hype surrounding the sequel and subsequent expansion I grabbed them both. The difference in the core 'event cycle' of the game makes for a considerably less tedious and more enjoyable time and the

Actually I did see a mate of mine bust out that move in GRID, it's a very special type of forgiveness that certainly appeals to my style of play!

Thanks for the explanation, I'll give the trial a go. I agree that the bulk of the pleasure of playing is divined from being good at it. Tthat system sounds like a good teaching aid if it can help explain the correct way to handle the throttle and brake through corners.

How forgiving is the dirt series? I don't possess neither the pursuit for perfection nor natural talent required to be good at simulation-ey driving titles like GT and Forza. It certainly looks slick.

Somehow this game is going to make a world like Rapture seem like an insignificant puddle!

"I don't have a clue where they are coming from and I don't want to come."

It's an eBook and totally worth the price of admission. If you aren't interested in the development of Portal 2, sit this one out. You won't feel like you've missed out on anything, i promise!

I notice there are some excellent Katamari themed entries already, hopefully this exact iteration hasn't been done yet.

According to the NASA Media Kit STS-134 is flying LEGO kits into space! #lego #tips

"One thing this phone won't do: mix you another drink. Bartender?"

That was fantastic! Definitely be playing this one with nice headphones.

Commonsense has prevailed. I tried the obvious and dumped the cache, everything now works as it should.

I have the latest version of Chrome, the image appears as a broken link. It's trying to reach:

Oh, it seems to work in Firefox but not Chrome... ANYWAY.

without the image upload working this comment didn't make any sense... sorry!

No worries! Sincerely though, thanks for the emulator tips, makes this handset more appealing than the promise of limited PSOne titles.

I hate crab games too. Not like Digimon though, Digimons are freaking lobster.

That is INCREDIBLE! I eyedroppered it in Photoshop and overlaid each section over the top of each other but I still can't force myself to see the truth in its original form!

That's neat! I see green, yellow and brown.