
It seemed to me that the term 'lurker' wasn't so much describing a separate type of zombie that was smarter or stealthier as much as it was describing zombies that happened to get caught in buildings for one reason or another (allowing them to catch humans unaware through dumb luck as opposed to premeditation).

I thought the two fight scenes were spectacular, but everything else was all over the place (wooden acting, paper thin characters, cheesy dialogue, hamfisted exposition, a ho-hum premise). It's not a good sign when you genuinely don't care about any of the characters by the end of the first episode (forget about being

What made it even worse was the way they made it seem as though Ichabod had been pondering his move for quite a while.

Set to go off in Season 4 (which, given the ratings, isn't likely to happen).

Aside from the plot being dull and incoherent, the biggest issue is that the writers continually refuse to play to the show's strengths. One of the few things that sets Sleepy Hollow apart from similar fare (i.e. people waging a secret war against supernatural beings) is its fish out of water angle. They were able to

When you hear the word 'berserker,' it evokes a certain image: a fierce Norse warrior clad in bear or wolf pelts, frothing at the mouth from berserker rage. What on earth made them decide that orange, half-naked, reptilian wrestlers was the right way to go? Absolutely baffling.

That's an excellent question. If the undercover agent spent any amount of time around Nevins, you'd think she'd catch on to the fact that there was definitely something supernatural going on. Seems like a pretty big oversight on the writers' part, but then again, they've already established that plausibility and plot

That was one of the few scenes that didn't fall flat this week. I was hoping Sleepy Hollow would be able to turn things around this year after a string of good episodes early on, but the past couple of episodes have done little to inspire confidence.

Didn't he have to go to Cambodia to kill a vampire or something?

It sure doesn't help that the toys look like they came out of Santa's workshop in the 1930s.

Long may Cyborg Probst talk shit about contestants during challenges.

I thought this show had reached its nadir during the blind date season (I wish I was making that up).

It's like poetry, they rhyme.

The A.V. Club

The inscription on the stockade reading "REPENT" was too subtle.

I've never understood the widespread aversion to goat cheese (especially here in North America). In my experience, it pairs well with French bread and certain meats (e.g. pork, beef). Greek cuisine also makes extensive use of goat cheese (feta) and tastes great.

I agree, killing off Ichabod's potential love interests is becoming a bad joke at this point. Hopefully the show will subvert our expectations and kill off another equally undeserving couple (not a whole lot better, but something of a necessity on a show like this).

Part one was a terrible slog, but the Sleepy Hollow characters had a rather funny exchange at the end of it:

The "fire directed from hands" method of flight would probably be pretty awkward to use effectively (constantly having to adjust your hand positioning to hover/turn/climb/fly straight), but I think the show manages to make it look pretty damn good on-screen.

and broken both her legs when she hit the pavement…