Marcus Anthoney Walters

Did you know the Chinese got the Moguls to pay for the construction of the wall? It's true, everybody knows it.

I'm glad he's been taken down. Thomas the tank engine has been a children's favourite here since the 1970's. It breaks my heart to see him forced to sell out.

I'm glad he's been taken down. Thomas the tank engine has been a children's favourite here since the 1970's. It breaks my heart to see him forced to sell out.


Just the kind of liberal leftist elite indulgence we'd expect from Obama. Time to real America and do away with leave a penny.

That's two Sethys for this vert.

I think it's time we started using the phrase, "real America" as a verb. Just as HNHK has done here. It is good.
I will be demanding to know if bro's real America at least once a day from now on.

I was completely and utterly unaware of the William/Man in Black twist. I figured reading a review of an episode I'd already seen would have saved me from any spoilers, dammit.

I'm beginning to think that someone who has read the book simply isn't going to get as much from this series as someone who hasn't. It never felt rushed to me, nor perfunctory.

I disagree, I feel their relationship isn't played out by the time they spend together, but by the paths they take whilst apart. I was utterly sucked in by these two characters who where bound together by an invisible thread.

In answer to the writer's final question; The obsession with Englishness comes from the fact that Great Britain was the super power in those days, especially after defeating France. Much like America today spreads it's ideas of 'democracy' Great Britain sought to bring 'civilisation' to all corners of the world. As it

No? Who was it, then?

There we were laughing at how irrelevant the question of whether Britain should stay in the EU. Now look at us.

Have we seen this birth certificate?

I loved the, 'Love is a promise' line. It's what makes it so painful when it is betrayed.

I was about to get excited but then I remembered I have stupid rubbish English Netflix.

It's a shame this review came out before Capaldi's Doctor, I would have been interested to read the reviewers thoughts when comparing the two Doctors in this episode and say, 'Don't Breathe.'

It's fascinating that the idea of the Doctor as a lonely god was only fomented during Baker's tenure. It's quite a distinction from the clever action man/ wiley grandfathers of the first three Doctors to this, but one I have trouble grasping. I've yet to really delve into the older episodes, I might just need to do so.

I think they had a really nice version of the mind palace in the abominable bride. It had Sherlock sat meditating taking bits of newspaper from the air and reading them, then cut to him in real life simply stock still. It really harked back to the books in that way but gave things a fresh sensibility, without using

Does anyone think Capaldi is bad?! The first season I think it was that they didn't get the right story lines to really make his version of the Doctor work. This latest series really showcases what he can do. I was genuinely about to say they could simply have an episode with this Doctor by himself but then