Marco Ramirez

My personal wishlist.

The bullied have become the bullies.

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

Being the introvert that i am, i can only hope that i never do something wonderfull that would turn me into a celebrity. This looks like hell to me.

Fortunately they got better. They probably thought I was a shitty little sibling back then too :P

And I'm sure Bautista likes to make money by having fun and not putting his body at risk of injury.

That's sadly most right-wingers in all nations.

Their history is just being used as an excuse at this point for right wingers to stir up trouble.

Sorry, but to quote the Stephen Fry quote on racist terminology is really comparing apples with oranges.

Yeah, cause if we're going to put effort in to helping people, we should send them video games. Screw food, clothing and medical supplies.

Yes, there are some things that have changed. Mainly because americans got paranoid and took steps to "defeat terorism" with bombs (which is impossible, it only creates more people that want revenge on you) and install some retarded fascist laws like the Patriot Act that mainly cut your personal freedoms in order to

The TMNT have been jumping out of burning skyscrapers since before the 93 bombing... This isn't a new thing for them. Although I agree that releasing anything other than a 9/11 commemorative trinket on 9/11 is a great way to get yourself publicly shamed, this is not the US. It's Australia.

It's been 13 years

For all you kids who are too young to even remember arcades:

Lame one liners and cheesy comedy is your thing? Tell me more about how you love Disney movies you Marvel fanboy.

I'm on the internet and I must complain!...

Get over yourself.

Nominating this thread as the official request thread for an entry of the Fire Emblem series on the Wii U. Could possibly use the GamePad for navigating troops while seeing awesome stuff on the big screen. Star this or the original post to vote!

I'm a PC elitist, and even I can concede that consoles can have some great games. My Playstation units are pretty much just Metal Gear and Final Fantasy players