Marco Ramirez

Infinite undircovery , last remnant, blue dragon , tales of vesperia ,lost odyssey ,fable and those are only the exclusive i know i left a ton out if you include the multyplats ff13 ,star ocean and a ton more. Theres really no reality to your claim . if you want to believe that the xbox is only bro culture gamer dude

Non japanese asians love their japanese games just as we do and import japanese only games dude

i hope the asia version has jp voice and english text i never can stomach the english VO in japanese games the only one is mgs

I thought i was gonna get the xbox1 by this time of the year but consistently almost all multiplats have been at less than 1080p/60fps i think am gonna wait another year see which exclusives come out because right now its pretty slim pickings

well creationists

well creationist

in earth 2 nintendo went through with this deal and became an empire dominating every market and what is ps4 in our earth prime over there its the Wii 2

i once was half asleep and i left forsaken on i kept nodding and after the start screen . the song starts and it kept saying the future is forsaken and it repeats like 3 or for times and when i woke up i could swear is was hearing the future is for satan lolol

i loved this game until a bug of forever falling fucked my save. ill never buy another wb montreal game ever

We dont want a discless xbone we want a kinectless xbone get yo shit together m$

she went from looking normal and beautiful to looking like a ladyboy fully transitioned

i loved that game but not likely all we will see from ea is battlefield 4 with starwars mods i have the hunch

also i read somewhere that mass effect was made from the engine they were going to use to make knight of the old republic 3 but they canned it early into production and they reused and retooled what they had thus mass effect

Bahhh keeps going downhill

Trying to patent the word saga is like trying to patent legend or story are they fucking stupid i hope their claim fails

Something like this i thought would have been the natural evolution for the zelda franchise instead after wind waker all creativity and innovation stopped . no character depth and development since the main guy is mute. Rehashed plots, same mechanics just with gimicky controllers. I outgrew nintendo at twilight

Not everyone is made of money especially in this economy so sales and deals go a long way

You say ridiculous i say awesome

Those are not fails really in combat you only need to make contact once to be lethal . you dont have to chop a guy's arm or neck in 3 places

that architect has some trauma