
It’s almost as if there should be more than 2 political parties....weird.

Would be a whole different ballgame if he was running for re-election. If you notice the only Republicans with any “balls” are the guys who are not running for re-election or else on their deathbeds. Cowards all.

For an asshole of this caliber he sure misses the point that homeless exist in the city more often because that’s where all the rubes to panhandle off of are, and that’s where the highest concentration of liquor stores and drug dealers are. Not to mention public transit and heat/steam vents to sleep on. My biggest

I had the same idea, especially after that first Russian goal where Subašić just sat there and watched it go past him, not even making an attempt to save it. Was like “oh the goalie has been paid off, sweet.” Dude ends up being the Croatian hero of the game. This WC has been the best one in my memory, maybe BECAUSE

False, America has a bad international reputation and can confirm the people here are fucking terrible and deserve it.

Go home commie spy scum.

I mean, I’m pretty sure Camille Cosby is still married to Bill. Love is crazy man....

AW, I’m a naturalized citizen and also like 3 things on your list. So....fuck or UNfuck me?

Regardless of whether or not I agree with your points what part of the country are you from? Only because it sounds like you have little experience with actual MS-13 activity. Where I live it is VERY real and these guys are VERY violent for almost no reason. Its not like a bloods or crips territory thing. They are

PAWcahontas. Would give the illusion that she has a sense of humor....

SL/SW1s are workhorse cars. Got mine to 289k before a block of ice slid off a building and crushed it. Aside from routine maintenance the only item that was ever replaced was a dead alternator ($50 at the junkyard). Took that thing up and down the east coast several times, averaged 36 mpg on those trips. For a stock

Dude needs his own bobblehead night. Just make sure they get the face right....

JESUS, you are still employed here?

UM, 100. One hundred years. Thats my standard I guess, I gather you are a douchebag by your virulent response to someone who largely agrees with you. you are what’s wrong with America good sir. Blind hate and anger to anyone disagreeing with you in the slightest.

Baby boomers love to wax nostalgic over that tough blue collar job they had out of high school where they pumped gas for the equivalent of $20/hour in todays money as they shake their fists at millenials and tell them to work harder and buy outrageously expensive brand new cars that won’t last more than 5 years before

Didn’t France, in the past decade, expel Gypsies from their country en mass? You are right to point out this is going on all over the world. The point being missed by many is the powers that are now denying these migrants and refugees are largely the ones that fucked their home countries up in the first place. The

I have to say I agree with 99.9% of this essay.

AHEM, Brighton Irish trash. Leave Southie outta this....

This entire article should consist of three words and two numbers.

I love that it has taken the commentariat this long to acknowledge that HamNo is a trash writer with trash opinions. The fact that he hasn’t been poached from Gawker/Gizmodo/whatever-media-company-this-is-now for this long should be the first glaring clue to that fact. Any writer worth a damn is gone from here in