
Bad PR. The mistake is entirely the organizations and they should just honour it but do better clerical work in future. Sooo dumb.

I am buddies with a guy who was billeted away during his early to late teens. What he would actually say about the experience was that it took years to undo all the messed up things he learned about women during those years (his wife is a martial artist and I am given to understand fear and reprisal were good


They aren't but they may in fact make you look more or less like a pretentious swot.

It isn't just that men are more important it is that the male body is treated as the norm or default body and the female as the other or aberrant body. So instead of figuring out how things present differently in genders they try to fit women into the 'standard' male symptomatology. Gargh!

The murder rates in this community (and aboriginal women) is truly shocking. It is disgusting that whole swaths of the female population are just throw aways! Heart breaking. There is no understanding this. It is evil and using your brain to try and figure it out is a waste of time.

I would like to know if Ms Wintour et. al. would let their children work with Terry Richardson - and by that I mean - would they send them in blind without letting him know that he was meeting some haut placée child and feel perfectly sure that there would be none 0f this behaviour? If the answer is 'no' then it would

The thing that makes the creep in this way creepier is that he uses a woman (Leslie Lessin) to groom and procure women for him to abuse. It is clear that she is not blameless in the sexual predator stakes either...yet until recently her role in facilitating his misconduct hasn't been much of a focus. I would like to

Any update on this - went to look at the Facebook page and couldn't find it.

Special snowflake entitlement fuckwittery syndrome at play here. For goodness sake what lesson are you teaching your kids here!!!!

I have two - can't say it is worse - just longer bad in the sense that you are delaying for longer the things that you might get back to (sleep, career, sleep, cleanliness, sanity, sleep, fitness, sleep, ability to plan ahead, sleep). Usually it depends on the age gap of the kids, the kids themselves, the support you

Also, one of the studs if flipping a bird...gargh!

And Stud life. Wow - so the breeding mares aren't allowed to show the goods but the studs are all showing their no!

Well there is a proper apology. Who knew that that existed any more - I thought the non-apology was the way everyone rolled - well done Pharrell.

If congratulating them and throwing them a virtual parade makes for good behaviour in law enforcement, I say bring on the confetti!

Eventually she will die from complications. Then the sideshow will be him marrying someone new and knocking her up - or him being a single is all freaks in a side show tent there.

I for one am glad to see less of Rihanna - never wanted to see her nipples, her doggy style tan lines, her smoking drugs or whatever. She gives me the icks.
As to the illustrator - that is just dumb. And cute cat drawing!

What was the costume in aid of? Why was he wearing it? Was he making other disparaging cultural references? Is any nose that is big or a specific shape a Jewish nose?

If only we could track down the woman in this couple to hear what her impressions of the situation are.