
I guess the big difference is who's fantasy is it? If there were equal amounts of female targeted fantasy then that would be fine - but the way the games are presented and designed skews male. As nearly 50% of the market playing the games is female I would say this is a pretty big oversight. A bit of criticism and

That cat is too cute.
The thing to her right...pppppPllleease!

That's the part that gets me. They aren't just garden decore if she popped a few crosses/crucifixes up there, threw a few menorahs in and then wore a hijab would that be cool? Gargh!

To clarify: white male entitlement is at play - but that is his personal play and not what the majority of the public perception of the situation is. He isn't getting a pass because he is white, people are pissed.

The reason this is making so many headlines is that it is totally unusual in the Canadian political landscape to have something of this scale. There are scandals but this is extraordinary for us.
I am hoping that there is an investigation going on. A lot of people suspect it. But because he is an elected official and

There is a legal process for removing him - it is called him being arrested and charged with a crime. Being part of an investigation - which is not centered around him is not the same as sitting in a hotel with a hooker smocking crack and being caught in a dragnet.
There is no impeachment process for municipalities in

Paps took shots of her inside the car wreck. Some folks would like to see them - they would also like to know if she was pregnant with Dodi's baby at the time of her demise.

I have a pet theory. I hope that the RCMP and/or the Toronto Police are currently building an airtight case that will result in charges that Ford will not be able to weasel out of. This is the only thing keeping me sane - well that and the fact that our new mayor is a peach (met him at an event on the weekend - he is

His excuse was that he was rushing to his brother who he thought might be getting in to an altercation! FFS - this is not the Canada I know and love - and frankly we can thank those toss nozzles from the conservative party for bringing the low brow out in our fellow citizens. They are scum and have been dismantling

Experts having a look? Fine by me - makes sense in fact given the advances in technology and forensic science. But Joe Blow Public - meh. Maybe we can put it next to Monica Lewinski's dress? It has that level of invasiveness to it. Kind of crass.

OK...I was depressed after the Brittany Murphy article (always thought something was rotten there) and the Zimmerman thing? FFS!
So a huge thank you for this! I have to say it made me laugh on so many levels - first that Ms Stewart so clearly has no skills what-so-ever with her camera phone (like as bad as your old dad

He is clearly too stupid to be buying lotto tickets. I mean HELLZ with that kind of luck you'd think he'd be a millionaire!

Let's add those who are obsessed with death pictures of Princess Diana.

He did well with the ladies - so I say - smart move!

I had a mad crush on him growing up. I was the only girl in my school who was all: "ooo that Hawkeye Pierce, miam!"

I would like to say thank you to Jennifer Lawrence because of this. After all, most people would love to get dressed up an hang out on red carpets but don't get to. It is a pretty cool life and I love that she shows enjoyment and acknowledges to her fans that she is having a privileged moment. Sure she probably has


I actually made quizzical brows at my computer screen just then!!!

I wish there was an educational show like this with a female protagonist. We have Sid (the Science Kid), we have Wyatt (Super Why) and Buddy (dinosaur train) (and every show for kids that has the male character as a lead with one female backup character - Jake and the Neverland Pirates, etc...). I don't know what it

I find the whole thing really lame.
I have not purchased, nor do I intend to purchase any of their clothing. I felt like a sheep being fleeced the single time I crossed their threshold - kind of like it is a big scam being perpetrated for girls/women alone.
That being said - clothing like this does or does not work

Don't laugh - for a second I was excited and thought it was a comic or graphic novel...