
I even thought Madonna was pretty 'not' provocative back in the day, so rehashing cynicism, and not knowing how cynical it all was is really pathetic.

A to the Men! Exactly. It is all very soporific!

I kind of wondered about that too - the being off meds thing. A close friend of my aunt's was not able to do her art (at which she made an living) when she was on her meds and so would go off and on them to get her work done. Obviously not an ideal approach to her mental health issues and obviously not the right meds

Erica - I am sure that you bring happiness to the world - it is just that people don't usually wax poetic enough to tell you. Peace and love for you Mrs. And continued health and sobriety.

A question for someone with pharmaceutical knowledge: do any of these medications result in you not being able to drive a car? I am sure she could have ignored a driving ban but sort of wondering what it would take to not be allowed to drive - that is a lot of drugs to be on and left wandering about the place...

Maybe less tail-gating and excessive food eating surrounding the games...
I am doing the Run for a Cure at the weekend. I have no illusions about how cancer charities work so I pick what I give my backing/money to. My mother was killed by cancer - it took 20 years to take her - so I feel very strongly about how

Really don't find her new image 'edgy'. Cutting your hair short is 'edgy' for women I guess (eyebrow raise). She is working with other professionals - so like the person who made her video is collaborating with her, the people who wrote her song Wrecking Ball (of which there are 4), the people producing her records,

I am not about forcing anyone into doing anything to their heads that they don't want to. If you want to do something to your head - go for it - don't think kids should have stuff put onto their heads because I think it is dangerous - that goes for dying my kids hair or straightening yours. That being said - you

Interesting article summing up the Miley/Sinéad story:…

I agree - a lot of Americans hate her for the Pope picture thing - the media have portrayed her as over the top - but she wasn't wrong when she did that and discussed the sexual abuse of children almost a full decade before

I wonder if the betting shops in the UK have odds on that yet...checking...checking...NOPE. :

Um slut shaming? Hmmm. I kind of think that she is making a point about exploitation in the music industry. She isn't discussing Miley's sexual peccadilloes but rather the image she is currently working in the media (via web, performances, and still images of herself). She is not in a bubble - so she is being handled

They must have bucket loads of cash!!!

I love natural black hair. I think it is so beautiful. Currently unusual to see around town - my daughter's school is French and there are a lot of African people (Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo) and it is like a bad hair wasteland there - lots of relaxed hair. It kind of freaks me out to think of the

I like her video because she is mad. And crazy like this is kind of adorable. She is just so odd! Excellent sharing.

Just. No.

This is so weird and fucked up. I don't even know what to think. Gargh!

It all seems so delusional doesn't it. And also, like these people are polishing turds with their clothing...putting a shine on it don't make it smell any sweeter.

Fair enough. So training it is. But I guess I am thinking of an athletic build of dancer as opposed to those that I know - athletic but very, very slight. Although - when you think of the little men that can in Hollywood athletic next to them would maybe be a ballerina who was short.
Short men chart

Lurch is the one I wanted - thought he was a relative - but works.

I feel that. I think it is the same group who let their dogs chase me or let them run with leads on, in to my path. I especially like it when dangerous breads start to chase me. So, it is agreed then, people suck.