
Ahhhh two the age of the inexplicable and arbitrary tantrum. Deeeelightful! I have a divalicious 5 year old to add to the stakes I'll try to find a gif that you can keep in your arsenal that might make your boy happy - we need to stick together.

Celebrity commenting on things other than their area of expertise - in her case pretty f-ing limited - often irk me. She'll be your go to for discussing large plates made of metal and glass, and hitting a rubber ball on clay, grass or hard surfaces but frankly why is she being asked about this at all.

I know, I know,

My 2 year old son thinks this is a very funny gif. Stopped crying as soon as he saw it.

I too love the ladies of crime fiction.

Just looking for a book about women crime writers and found this list...summer reading surely! Here

It is great. We've got this kind of article getting a huge platform for spreading its nonsense about, and we've got women publicly despising Feminism in writing books where they discuss their happiness at being dominated by their men...I really despair for the world.

Nail on head!

I am all for choice and judge no one for what they choose to do in terms of feeding their kid - but if, as the NHS policy is - breast is best then WTF are they allowing formula into the labour ward for. NICU/PICU have them for obvious reasons...but the whole sample thing is rampant. Also, try to get of that MF list of

I got one - some was maternity (pads, wipes, hand sanitizer) and some was kids saving plans and the like as well as a few nappy samples. At that point there were no reps on the wards - although I was in a small town hospital (Kettering) and wonder what it might have been like on the wards in London. I find this is so

She is also the daughter of a well known and respected MP in Thatcher's cabinet and now is a Baron who sits in the house of Lords. She is, arguably, more famous than Emiril in the cookery stakes as she is covered frequently in the press (both regular and gossip) and has put out quite a few saucy titled books that sold

I would recommend twice if I could. It fascinates me how media coverage of 'other' cultures has a very specific slant to it. Jez is better than some, but traditional media outlets seem to like these stories in the 'west' as a means of pacifying the female masses. A sort of: 'well it could be worse, you could live X, Y

"But it is the men who are attacking the women. If there is to be a curfew, let the men stay at home."

Kurt did it better, and effortlessly: he didn't have a stylist make him grungy he just was. I had thought we were done with 'Heroin Chic' - but alas...

It was ugly when Courtney Love and company wore it the first go 'round (and I looked equally ugly IN it). So this huge rehashing of all things high school form '84 onward is getting T.I.R.E.D. This is so beyond a f-ing rip off as to be unreal. This is the David Lynch Firewalk With Me of dresses. I flipping of the bird

I hear you - but this is like a module we should all be taking in our Home Economics class: Resisting Advertizing, Marketing and Merchandizing 101. I am starting to show my daughter obvious airbrushing and telling her that the retouched images are cheating/lying and ugly (she's 5 so we are working in terms she can

The Obama's eat a lot more sh*t than any First Couple in history. Never would I have expected to see the office itself be as disrespected. Seeing that classless ding-dong from Arizona chastise him on the tarmac literally made me go nuts. There is a loss of dignity in the US towards what it used to see as a sacred

I am with BKBXDC on this one. Back in the day I would have made Amanda look positively normal (what with my self-loathing, dating-dangerous men who assaulted/abused me, heavy alcohol consumption - often whilst being on anti-depressants - culminating with spectacular events like living in my parents mold-ridden


Go you - re your grad cap!