
These were my ultimate favourite sheets - we got mile and miles out of these. Still alive and kicking. Had the matching waste bin and posters.




Sorry but I am going to call bullshit on this comment:

Has anyone ever read 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' - the wife in it stops taking her mood pills so that she can know the difference because being happy all the time means it becomes an irrelevant feeling if it isn't contrasted occasionally with another emotion.

Major props for using the words: fortnight (and for me for knowing what that is without looking it up - Hello my name is Marjie and my husband is from the British Isles) and also for the use of the word slovenly!

Oh shut the fuck up. It isn't politics it is fucking common sense. If you fell on a pool of water at your local store and were injured you would be saying 'clean that shit up' and maybe even 'I am going to sue your ass off!'...but with guns it is such an elephant in the room topic that at the EXACT moment when gun

all the cheeseburgers ever...that is what I have been looking for in terms of argument. Well said!

I was sitting giving my kids their lunch when I had a look at my Facebook page - I saw George Takei's post and thought WTF now?! And I am so sad. I am so gutted by this. I really don't understand how saying something is out of control when it is can be a political is it that it doesn't sink in: easy

Amen sister!

LOL. You are beautiful! That is it exactly...and by the way: nice naturals there lady! Falsies are so...I dunno...fake! ;)

Amen sister! It just irks me how the media gets a catchphrase, runs with it and muddies the water.

I agree - another woman who is curvy in the sense of pin-up.

Maybe it's just me: but being what was once the definition of curvy - as in 'hour glass' - I get a bit annoyed that it is being appropriated by thin/slender girls. No offence to them they are just as womanly in their way, but it is like when you look at Katherine Hepburn and compare her body type to Marilyn

She didn't diatribe about long hair - she explained that her hair grows differently to other ethnic hair. She explained that keeping her natural hair is her choice and as an African American woman in the public eye (judging from what you see on 'Good Hair' and portrayed in all forms of media) it is a relatively

Olive, the other reindeer!


Also, what the f was I thinking going on a diet at my time of the hormonal-grumpy and starving-the-fuck-to-death-grumpy!

This is what is happening to me - well once a month - and it was meant to stop it all together. Less and less bleeding but still the lunacy of my hormones continues. Oh joy!.