
The lingerie in question wasn't utter garbage and this show kind of creeps me out. If you look at half of these women they aren't - they are girls...argh!

Both are colonialist cliché shorthand for 'savage'...not. cute.

Just out of curiosity...unless it was a planned thing - why would one of his entourage be filming BEFORE the violence took place. I wonder if they hadn't decided to roll up at this woman's house knowing that it would kick off and then use it as an excuse to beat her.

Not to be naive - but did anyone report the crime. And now that it has attention has anyone called on the local PD to investigate? Don't know much about rates of crimes against black women vs white women - but violent crime against women in general isn't handled very well.

I am kind of with you on this one. The Taliban have said they will kill her if she comes back.

Yeah it's all about the haters. Nice manners. Bet his mother is super proud. But you know, some nobody who has nothing but principles = hater.


What about the culinary art of placentophagy? Birth art seems far less icky by far when you think of a nice fry up with butter, onions, garlic and afterbirth...

I would normally agree but for the fact that this letter DOES deserve to be reprinted. It explodes lots of myths about intellectual disabilities and the people who live with them. I thought it informative, interesting and thoughtful - all while being something she is not - respectful. I am sure there will be horrible

I too thought it was poop. However, BARF

I hope that Jason Trawick treats Britney right. I don't own any of her albums but she is one of those celebs I just want to hug and hope good things for. A lot of the child stars really struggle into adulthood. Good luck Britney - and Jason - we hope you play nice otherwise it's thumbscrews for you buddy!

Honestly - these people are f-ing nuts. What kind of cattle are they raising that they will meditate or do yoga and suddenly turn up wearing a sari at Christmas. For f-s sake they need to chill. Too bad they are from such a violent and oppressive religion which offers no form of cathartic release except if they are

I noticed that one too. S.C.A.R.Y.!

Again the scar on her thigh has been removed. Smoothed out the cloth on the bikini top (our right).

I guess it is just that they entire dress code about professionalism is focussed solely on female attire. I don't disagree that clothing should be professional for both genders but I think that should be down to the employer and not the interviewee or his company. I often find that the female talking heads on

Then do the same for the boys - a lot of those mustard on the tie belly buttons sticking out of sloppy button down types are nasty. Who gets to decide professionally and respectfully? I like to see a guy in a shirt and tie when working the mic - but a lot of guys opt for polo shirts...not respectful to me. Smacks of

Tell it Sister. Totally agree with everything you said here. So. Fed. Up. with the juvenile delinquents running the show under the banner of free speech. It is not ok to harass people to death for your own amusement. If you find that amusing then we should be able to hound you to the ends of the earth and expose you

Maybe we need to sick Anonymous and the police on them to reveal their identities until they learn to behave like decent humans.

Amen. If you can't tell the difference when READING about rape in legal documents then you yourself are obviously a perpetrator and making these statements to assuage your own guilt!

I second that motion.