
In the Oh Shut the Fuck Up Rihanna category. I am soooo tired of that person. If she could take Beyonce off to some place and they could never be heard of again it would be too soon. zzzz

"But it is the men who are attacking the women. If there is to be a curfew, let the men stay at home." Golda Meir - Prime Minister of Israel responding to the idea that women should have a curfew to keep them safe from rape.

Fucking. Fabulous.

hella relaxing. Love it! ;)

Wouldn't it be nice if sexual assault not on an airplane were taken this seriously. We would have a huge educational spike in what is ok or not in boy-land...because life in prison AND $250,000 would be the appropriate slap perpetrators should be getting. F-ing freaks!

Dear Ms Anderson,

This is interesting: women who are raped, according to this study ( MORE likely to get pregnant!

What is truly despicable about these people is that they say whatever offensive (often illogical) crap they like and then play the 'religious freedoms' card. If I, as an agnostic/atheist, deny the holocaust, refer to rape as legitimate or not, or am bigoted against a certain group am held accountable for my belief and

Um...didn't you lot run a history of Olympic hair in your magazine? Maybe I am mistaken...but the focus on women's appearance at this Olympics is disgusting. The fat swimmers, the muffin-top volleyballers, now this Gabby girl doesn't have 'good hair'...when will all this crap end. These are elite athletes who have put

Actually they are kind of cute...he is horrifying. But I guess when you are rotting from the inside out it may start to show...

He actually is one of the Spitting Image Puppets ('t you tell by the prosthetic-like skin, fish lips and steel wool on his head?

Anyone else begin scratching part way through the article. The only word for this is: GROSS!

I think the take away here about preventing rape is that we should stop focussing on the victim of the crime as having any huge and meaningful role in prevention. By the way we infantilize men (and that is an international thing) we are removing them from having any responsibility and accountability in these

Kind of like the whole: how to deal with Tim McVeigh thing. What to do when the criminal is a white guy issue?

The mental illness thing makes me kind of mad. Maybe he is a bad person with bad ideas. Maybe it takes a specific bend of mind to perpetrate this kind of crime - but is that mental illness? That gives him an excuse or an out - makes him somehow less accountable - as do all of the 'spurned', 'failing at school', 'not what world is watching your kid play a sport (badly) equal to cleaning the crud off of a shower stall? I went to university, did a double major and then a professional trade course – and there's me in the shower f-ing and blinding about 'living the dream' as I scrub the orange gunk out of the cracks in the