Man, it would be a shame if something happened to this guy, huh? Big shame. Really big shame.
Man, it would be a shame if something happened to this guy, huh? Big shame. Really big shame.
Indies are pretty visible on gamepass though, one of the reasons I’m still subscribed is that I’m looking forward to trying out Nobody Saves the World
Of course they are. Microsoft has been placing huge bets on services becoming for gaming what they became for much of the entertainment industry. They don’t want people to buy an Xbox so much as they want people signing up for their service. Purchasing Actibliz positions them well to be the first name that comes to…
What exactly are lies and propaganda???
And then Disney buys Microsoft. And then Amazon buys Disney. And then the Vogons demolish the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass.
Huh? Am I missing something here?
All of crypto is nothing but a series of rolling problems constantly seeking out other problems to pretend to be a solution to
Someone mentioned on /r/ShowerThoughts the other day that if NFTs were worthwhile the porn industry would be getting into them a lot more.
These dumb fucking idiots deserve all the name calling at the very, very least. They don’t deserve the respect of treating them as adults with names.
I would love to see Jodorowsky’s version of Dune but it’s also pretty clear he never read a single page of the book and his plan was to make a sci fi movie that included pirates and dramatic space combat that happen to have characters who happen to share names with people in the book.
god damn it, its buzzfeed, i had a boing boing link open right next to it. thanks.
Text says boing boing, link is to buzzfeed. Is there another article you meant to link to?
‘NFTs are just beanie babies for people who get mad whenever there are black people in Star Wars movies’.
Please, please read the Boing-Boing story I linked to, this is all so hilariously dumb.
I guess it’s unsurprising that the people who think owning a receipt for a link to a picture is the same as owning that picture, confuse “owning a copy of a book” with “owning the rights to the content of the book.”
Yup, especially if they were CRT and not LCD conversions.
You’re 100% right.
What if your PC could allow in even MORE dust?
No, last year was like the most profitable year ever for manga
Piracy damages are non material. They work on the dishonest and fraudulent assertion that each infringement instance constitutes a lost sale. That has been flat out debunked far too much and yet its the excuse always used to keep extending copyright terms and creating ever more draconian rights over IP.