
Everything I hear about entertainment/sports being bought by Saudi Arabian companies is always washed over with the time WWE was hosted over at the UAE. Nothing compares to the amount of patriotism forced out than when wrestlers praised the regime, and it seems like it’ll happen here.

Why we need games studio unions pt idk/when will it end:

Sony was smart to purchase for exclusives, it does make CoD more synonymous with Playstation than Xbox, in they flipped perception. And now again, Xbox flipped CoD’s ID with PS.

Honestly, they’d better be really good exclusives, even if they make a playerbase fume over for a year before they receive it. Having something not be available can work, but again it has to be a deal breaker.

The maths I can’t provide but CoD mainly skewed towards a larger PS base because of exclusive content. Every CoD to my knowledge always had a “Only on Playstation” type thing.

When you can’t branch out, you root in. This is the mantra Microsoft has with acquiring Activision now. First, the hardcore games space with Bethesda. Now, Acitivision, with a mobile games division by the way.

If you cut the detachable tail, it probably tastes like cotton candy.

I love to see healthy intercourse among peers, it really eases the mind.

Crossing my fingers it’ll stay that way in the future. The Ascent really got a jump because it was day 1 on game pass.

It all spells trouble for the small guy indie game, now that Game Pass is even more crowded by AAA studios vowing for your time. Sony’s gone too slow to the draw on indies anyways: when even Nintendo has a whole dedicated indie showcase, they’re (arguably) on par with the PC in terms of independent games visibility.

I assume Luke’s talking about Buzzfeed instead of BoingBoing. Just went to check if there was any articles on BB and I didn’t see any.

I’ll be beating a rug to get all the spice out from all the amounts of pulling I keep seeing in the nft space. Finding a “legitimate” business using blockchain crap is as comparable as House Atreides restarting melange harvesting operations: disasterous.

Fuck that one guy especially for smashing the arcade. Many local places can have one of a kind machines, and those can’t be replaced easily.

Ever since they moved their crappy games to Epic’s store it’s been so much more easier to ignore whatever they come up with. A real dumpster of a company Shittysoft has been.

“I will generate capital and funding of a project by utilizing the most unstable (and hella illicit) market currently available.” said no company ever.

Has GSC yet to figure out how the electricity in Ukraine keeps giving out?

Blockchain technology is not innovative. “We can make it so that your health care info is tokenized and accessible by you.” So, basically what I can access using my provider’s mobile app. “We can make it so you have proof of ownership of an apartment room.” So, a ledger and contract. “You actually can own a piece of

I have as much security selling items on the Steam Marketplace as I would if I ever *puke* touch currency wallets - there is no difference.

Dune *Part 1* was a good intro to those who didn’t read the book. But I hope that they don’t stretch the book out for the next release.

The opportunity of adding a red snapper instead was there, but the Kotaku fish stands supreme.