
Yes please all these right-wing pundits need to go the fuck away.

Biden will be 78 and Sanders will be 79 in Nov. 2020. They both need to take a fucking seat because that WAY TOO OLD TO BE PRESIDENT. Example, Ronald Reagan.

My irritation with Biden is growing each day. Also, Sanders and John Kerry need to take a fucking seat too.

I do too. It just seems weird to me but who am I to judge.

I fucking hate her so much.

We also need to force prices down on some things like rent and cars and groceries and other essentials for one’s home.

I love that she’s calling all this shit out and forcing others to do better and the are doing better already.

If you pay congressional staffers so little they have to get other jobs to support themselves they are not effective at their day jobs because they don’t have time to study the issues they are working on with the Reps or Senators. It’s that simple.

I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that these two human are married to each other.

Out of 330 million Americans only 67 million of them are on twitter and most are not following media and political twitter accounts.

The only way to make change happen is to take a hard line until Bibi and his allies are removed from power.

Co-sign. BDS is about removing far-right assholes like Bibi from power so Israel can actually work to resolve their horrible treatment of the Palestinians.

You can be against Bibi’s Israel and an ally to the Jewish people writ-large at the same time. Don’t put words in my mouth.

These new Dem women members of Congress are bringing it every damn day and I’m loving it. Seriously go follow their twitter and instagram accounts. Rock on Tlaib for supporting BDS of Israel. Until Israel gets rid of Bibi every Dem should be denouncing what he is doing in that country.

Making Nia a meta-human would’ve been a better storytelling move, especially since there aren’t that many human characters this season.


This is what happens when showrunners and writers rooms change this frequently.

The writers did a shitty job with Nia’s dialogue about her powers and them only affecting certain women in her planet. That’s the product of cisgender writers being out of their depth and Nicole being so new to acting she doesn’t want to rock the boat.

FYI- like I said above, leave the ed off of transgender. It’s an adjective not a noun.

FYI please leave the ed off of transgender. The word is an adjective not a noun.