If that makes the next episode Heavent Sent V2 then I'm all for it.
If that makes the next episode Heavent Sent V2 then I'm all for it.
I guess he'd recognise himself after a while, and knowing who the Doctor was and how Missy was acting maybe it wasn't hard to put two and two together. Also, Time Lords can probably watch that incredibly long footage and still perceive it as if it was normal time, so maybe he read their lips.
Ok, well maybe that'd work, too. But it'd be very hard for them to pull off.
The Heather thing is the only thing I'd really accept of all those. And it'd be a nice way to ring the series back full circle.
The out-of-sync thing was the 50th's explanation. They should probably go with that from now on.
I still want the Christmas' title to be "No More". No idea who first suggested it but I freaking love it.
I think more than the fact they spoiled him and the pushed him non-stop in the promos, I highly suspected Razor from the moment he appeared from having watched classic who and the Master's tendency to disguise himself.
More than fanservice or dumb puns, I took that whole exchange as the proof of why Missy IS and ALWAYS will be different from anyone else he's ever befriended. She knows everything about him, she's known him before he was even him, and is comfortable enough to tease him about what what the whole universe seems to…
I mean, she has more wiggle room that Clara had, for sure. But she still had a freaking hole in her chest. If it's reversed and it has no consequence whatsoever…. well, it'll be very disappointing that Moffat learned nothing.
Jos Minhm (?)
You hope he….does? Haven't you had enough of that?
Well, it's established if she left she'd die.
The blue guy would shoot him, that's why he Venusian Aikido'd him as soon as he could. It was only ten minutes for them.
His face when he's just hoping against hope that the cyberman will tell him Bill's ok kills me.
Although it was hard, at the end of it all, not to think of all the ways Moffat will very possibly screw this up next episode, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Hell, I couldn't have been more hyped and it delivered fantastically. The whole episode's atmosphere is it's top selling point, I loved how it starts fun and…
It was kind of the Heaven Sent to Hell Bent for Sherlock. I remember coming here for the review and people being surprised for how good it was, etc. And it ends on a good cliffhanger…. a cliffhanger that is ruined the next episode.
This could go very well, or very badly.
Moffat has way, WAY less technobabble that the Tennant years. So much so that by comparison it's almost non-existent. It's actually what bothered me about Smith in my first viewing, he seemed to know nothing of what was going on by comparison.
The second episode of Season 4 is very good imo, but it gets lost in the shit of the other two episodes.