The fact that I had just finished The Meaning of Night before watching this episode really hit me hard because of everything you said.
The fact that I had just finished The Meaning of Night before watching this episode really hit me hard because of everything you said.
I wonder how many eggs I'll smash before getting it right.
Actually… That is…
I think it's the way he portrays the after-effect of the trauma that works so perfectly. The cane is just a constant reminder of that.
I didn't catch it. When did it happen?
Killing someone like that is no fun. Also, he needed to know why Will wanted him dead and if he had killed the judge. [end of killer-minded self]
Ah, thanks. I was properly confused for a minute there (and this is not sarcasm).
I very much loved this.
Definitely more disturbing.
I think it's because Hannibal was teasing that to "become" him it doesn't just take to be a killer. You'd need to do the whole thing. I took it like he was insulting Brown (the killer), like he feels above normal killers.
Until he spoke to Hannibal I wasn't 100% certain he wasn't dead. I was certain he was dead before and I would've bet they said Will had killed him in previous episodes. So yeah, it was confusing.
Also every dead person ever to have talked to someone else was The Man in Black.
IMO the flash-sideways ending was reasonable; the island ending less so. The show itself was still good overall, though.
Completely agree with this. It took me a long time to figure out most of my questions were answered at some point. And the others could be somehow heavily waved off as "coincidence" or other things (or I just don't remember enough to answer them).
With danger of sounding completely horrible… I imagine so is eating humans per se. I don't imagine tumours taste any different, they're still just cells. Additionally, it may be an interesting taste, like eating rats or something. [end of horribly logical speech]
I don't really see her character having too many places to go but… could be. In The Original as a show, it makes sense for her to be reintroduced because she's very important to her her children are (but not resurrected necessarily).
I think she wouldn't eat her, because he admires her clearly and he only eats people who idk are rude or mundane or something.
I also thought that it wasn't smart of her but then, she was desperate to believe Will was innocent.