
Yeah, mine came yesterday and it was totally different from both of those. I got a clay mask and thermal styling spray and Benefit Lollibalm (which I really like and will probably buy). Also foot cream and more sunscreen. I am extra pale so that’s a good thing.

BoingBoing does some great articles as well, and most of the regular commenters really get it. Someone getting all pissy there is almost always a shiny new account.

I got married in Vegas, but I bet someone had a donkey I could borrow.

Hah! Well now I have to urge to go buy something frivolous just BECAUSE I CAN!

Yeah, but one of the things listed as their “job” is budgeting. I dunno how you’d budget without having some access to the finances.

I don’t even really understand how it works: as a SAHM myself right now, I do all the budgeting and know exactly how much money there is. So if I want to spend $600 on a kayak, I know if I can. Mr. Bells doesn’t pay me to do it because I’m already holding all the money.

I’m going to try out those first two because sunscreen always makes my face break out like nothing else and I hate being greasy. I also have about 20 Supergoop! samples from Birchbox to test as well.

I’m going to try out those first two because sunscreen always makes my face break out like nothing else and I hate

I was totally rooting for Tyrion and Sansa in the books. Neither of them wanted it, but I thought they could have made a good team. He seemed like the only one to see her as a person and certainly the only one to treat her with any respect. And he didn’t blame her for not being thrilled with the marriage. I thought

The best part is, if you wear something that covers the waistband it looks like you’re elegantly dressed in fancy linen pants. And no one needs to know you’re practically in pajamas. :D

I owned two mid-90’s Kias (because I did not learn my lesson the first time). The first one was a Sephia with a manual transmission. One day as I was downshifting to turn into my apartment parking lot the shift just ... snapped off in my hand. Like, the actual metal stick broke in two. I am a 5 foot 4, 110lb (at the

The sizes are so ludicrous. I’m a 10 in all their pants ... except the “boyfriend” jeans where I’m like a 6 for some reason. And a medium in about 50% of the dresses and a large in the rest.

I know that feel, bro. Old Navy is totally my style - basic shirts and pants and knit dresses. And they have some linen-blend trousers with a yoga-pant waist that are my summer staple. The only thing I’ve noticed is that recently some of their stuff has ridiculous giant armholes.

brb changing my daughter’s name. and mine too.

I think this could only make sense if you were high. So congratulations, you’re sober?

I honestly don’t go there often enough to keep the weird names straight. I just order by volume now, “I’ll have a 12oz vanilla latte.”

I’m still confused as to how everyone seems to have forgotten Sansa’s already married. Did they annul that or do they just think Tyrion is dead?

Mind you, moose bites kan be pretti nastii.

I almost got trompled by a regular old domestic cow once. Not even a big one, just a little cow. I don’t understand why people think it’s okay to go right up to a great big wild one.

Right? And once you’re in a committed monogamous relationship it’s like you “can’t be bi!” anymore. Or you have to be dating both genders exactly equally. Can we just make the Kinsey scale more popular? So that I don’t have to explain “I’m a Kinsey 2”?