
I understand the frustrations of these players but if your main source of income comes from streaming a single game (or if you are a content creator of any sort really) and it’s not on your own platform that you built, you have to expect these kinds of developments. You are at the mercy of the platforms in which you

It’s an amazing athletic feat, but it’s not like the catch rule caused this. The ball is rolling around on his chest while his shoulder is on the out of bounds line. There is no time in the last 50 years where this ever would have been a legal completion in the NFL or college unless the refs blew the call.

Some people just refuse to do the hard (easy to do, hard to accept) math. Same with the argument that the dems should have, uh, rearranged the numeric system so that 49 was more than 51 and blocked Kavanaugh.

19 interviews. 19.

Stick a pair of clean kitchen scissors directly down in can, and snip, snip, snip until you have a can of chopped tomatoes.

As a Philly expat and Drexel Alum, I cannot imagine why anyone would go to a Drexel basketball game.

Find a bear trap and stick your head in it.

You are awarded no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

I work for a for-profit med company and the real issue is your complete lack of understanding of supply chain or frankly the intricacy of deploying a product.

More like your child is permanently crippled and autistic anyway.

The preferred nomenclature isn’t “anti-vax”, it’s “pro-disease”!

Which is a bit disappointing, because it seems to dis-incentivize playing a game about a wild west outlaw as a wild west outlaw.

I’m a liberal, and you can all fuck off. It’s a goddamn movie. Life is going to be hard on you.

Colangelo’s got the award collared, I suspect.

There’s a hot take if I’ve ever seen one. One of the most iconic JRPGs of all time that had the best intersection of combat systems of classic JRPGs with a great story, great cast, etc.

Seriously. I want that baby.

Give... me... your... baby!

The U.S. military won’t, though. The armed forces have already shown the most backbone and even overt rejection of Trump multiple times. He’s the CiC but the military - including the CiC - are sworn to obey the Constitution, and the military has a duty to relieve a CO who is clearly unfit to serve. Losing an election

Alternate title: “How to have your data abused by 15 companies instead of 1"

It’s astounding to me how these nerds are screaming themselves into rage-comas because a phone toy isn’t directly marketed to them.

Holy shit, Gamers are trash.  Just don’t play it if you’re that mad.  Christ...