
Can't wait until Bungie goes through this list tip by tip and patches them all out.

I've been calling games like Octodad where players can work together against weird controls "QWOPerative".

Content that is designed for random matchmaking needs to be tuned to random groups. If the raid is tuned for organized groups, and they offer random matchmaking for it, it is going to lead to a lot of bad experiences.

Automatic matchmaking only works for grouping players for content that is very easy. This is a lesson Blizzard learned during WoW's Cataclysm expansion.

I'd make the investment to update to a New3DS if they came out with a Majora's Mask version. Right now I've got the Link Between Worlds 3DSXL

With everything that's slated to come out this year bungie will have to step up the quality of these releases and not just find new ways to grind.

I'd wear it. I'm a fan of the design. I also couldn't possibly care less what people think of me as a result of what I choose to cover my naked form with, so that helps.

It's less of a stretch than people are making it out to be. The argument is "it doesn't have story, so you can't make one"? What kinda logic is that?

Then, go into battle with whoever awaits you at the base. Defeat the Blisseys and reap the rewards. Do note that any Pokémon not holding a Lucky Egg will gain more around the 13k XP mark for every Blissey defeated (assuming they're actually in the battle, and not just gaining XP from the Experience Share). That's

If you're working out that regularly and properly restricting your calorie intake, I'd use a different measurement than the scale to keep track of your progress. You may have put on some terrific, healthy muscle! Either way, what matters is if you're feeling better.

Of course, if there were true liquid in the games it could damage the computer. lol j/k

Yoshi's Wooly World looks like the ultimate extension of that. It's like a big, warm video game blanket.

This is my facebook avatar, and now I feel like I need to find a new picture with a penguin that says "seals are real f@#$ing monsters" instead.


Nope, not even for a minute. Because its not a fallacy, sorry bro.

And the thing that bugs me is it seems totally based on whether the person being spoken of is considered "cool" or is a hipster feminist favorite or not.

Amazing how this site, which I normally enjoy, would happily tear apart a man whose been abusive or attempted murder. But this bitch (yeah, I SAID it) gets a pass?

Am I the only person who loved the way the story was executed in Destiny?

It's sad but a large portion of the community has NO idea how progression after 20 works. And it's mostly Bungie's fault, but still some people don't even try to figure it out. This isn't Diablo or Borderlands. Left and right people are blaming the loot system and no matter how I try to explain it to them, they don't

Go to I was stuck on those nasty moon wizards too. Then I saw on the lfg site that someone else needed help with it. The extra revives for us, and extra targets for them was enough to get us through.