
Wouldn't be surprised if Randyll Tarly's came into play.

Valyrian steel sword?

I knew this was sarcastic from the start, but still I gotta admit you got me angry. +10 points to you

I've known about this website for at least six years…

They did not.

But, but… Hannibal? Arrow? Sleepy Hollow?!

"Dexter ends later this summer after a run that so thoroughly defanged its protagonist that it will be fascinating to see if the show’s writers can wring anything interesting from his inevitable capture at all."

He was quoting Abel Gideon from the previous episode.

This episode felt like a fever dream. (In a good way!)

… by himself?

You forgot about Pretty Likeable Woo and Quiet Scruffy LJ.

"Timber" is something that a lumberjack might say.

You lucky duck. Such sardonic jokes are the only good thing that resulted from the final season of Dexter (god rest its soul).

So I have a question for all of you Survivor experts. I watched Borneo
through Palau way back when they originally aired, as well as South
Pacific and Blood vs Water. This season has gotten me all excited about
Survivor again, somehow, and I thought I might watch a few of the
seasons I missed. So, in your opinion,