“Interactive paper” looks more like thin sliced roast beef...
“Interactive paper” looks more like thin sliced roast beef...
i feel like i recognized a jogging animation straight from FO3
I’m loving it, its not as good as Postal but the rampages are epic. The media coverage of this game is sensationalism as its finest. Glad to hear its a top seller!
Shame. He should have been given a huge dong and dynamic pubic hair.
Exactly. Censorship = anyone with the authority to tell an artist that they can’t do something, telling an artist that they can’t do something. Criticism = anyone saying anything, positive, negative, or neutral, about a work of art. Saying that something is bad, does not make it censorship. If that were so, than the…
Where was this all my life? I’ll never look at pantiless bottles the same way.
How embarrassing for the industry. This has to leave a terrible taste in his mouth.
I feel so bad for him. He has so much he wants to give to the world and the world seems determined to stop him from working.
This is the Witcher based on the Book the Witcher, based on the Character Geralt in The Witcher, if you weren’t playing as Geralt, then it wouldn’t have been called The Witcher.
that’s fine, I’m always a grumpy bitch when I’m on the internet.
I'm sorry guess jokes stop being funny when you become dead inside. Get a grip man! its called making a joke on top of the joke that has already been planted. I never said anything about people not liking it or that people weren't going to play it. I did however make a joke on top of one many thousands have. You my…
Until it becomes a regular occurrence, I’m going with “just random.” :/
So basically something that my PC can’t do at a playable level... (Kaveri only). The title should be “Here’s What GTA V Looks Like On a High End PC”
It’s a brilliant game - the best FF in years, quite possibly since the glory days. And it doesn’t hurt either that the game is so goddamn fun.
Generalizing whites as the racists is the way the closet bigots express themselves without being called racist themselves. Go after the easy "safe" target while being able to still be an asshole without too much repercussion. Can't just say "racist", have to toss in "white American racist". Cowardly.
I see what you're saying, but I think it's good to be vocal otherwise you just keep ending up with mediocrity. If people didn't speak up about some of the stupid things in Destiny, they never would've gotten around to working on those. Also, this guy is just one piece of a larger team. Just because we say a game…
This is the kind of story that makes me glad that I don't openly say things suck. Even if I don't care for it or connect I always stay kind and decent. People put their lives into these games and having people that that will never give birth to something (metaphorically) bash and tear down what you made has got to be…
There are a lot of cool moments in Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae, the much-anticipated demo that's finally out…
You'll have to use semi-seizure inducing, flashing style Limit Break/Overdrive prompts.
I added the red circles and the arrows. Subtle, right?