People Are entitled flat out. That's all this is. Surprised that Mike would even run this shit. Guess he needs some extra money for the season pass
People Are entitled flat out. That's all this is. Surprised that Mike would even run this shit. Guess he needs some extra money for the season pass
Yeah their years of success is all blown away by no season pass in UE lol.
Ahhhh and there It is. “Entitlement” lmao :)
Fantasy*** haha Fabtasy lol
I worry about this with Final Fabtasy XV as well. Personally I know I’ll love it. Why? There hasn’t been one I didn’t like.
Jason I know it may be a little off topic but I was talking with a friend who I was saying that “Man I can’t be mad cause I’m always bitching about the poor people who don’t have internet or have real slow internet.” SE is going to hopefully deliver a solid experience day one. Played the XIII series many times with…
Lol true
I wonder how bad the optimization must of been going to break the release date. After all the marketing with brotherhood, Kingsglaive, and the side scrolling Gamestop exclusive game. Having the Final Fantasy Event to announce the date. Logic dictates that this must be in some real trouble. I’m pretty bummed about it…
You’re right about it not adding up. However, it will be a Friday due to the world wide release. Friday date is very common with Japanese titles especially when being released side by side with the world. Guess we will wait to see
Reading through the comments here I see a lot of confusion as to why people would want this. I will say it like this. It blows my mind that someone would even question why someone would want it. Quickly to answer the PlayStation VS X Box crew here. Its called preference and we all have them. Seriously look at some of…
I agree it’s a little over board lol
No need to try again. I wasn’t the one that started the insults or attitude. Seems like you try hard enough for the two if us.
Seriously Jason! You know the answer to this. It will still be your fault cause you said you didn’t like it :P
Edit! “Is if you hate FF XV”
You know Jason, I don’t agree with probably about 40 percent (yes that number is legit LOL) of your opinions but FUCK if we aren’t lucky to have someone like you. Someone who actually plays these JRPG’s and gets them. Where our reader/writer relationship might get to a serious low if you hate FF XV :P
Thank you for the story. These are the kinds of Things I could find on Kotaku and other sites. Though this is a sad story and a tough subject it goes a long way in showing the power of our medium. Thank you Leena
Yeah you’re right. Cops shouldn’t adapt to each situation. Pull out the guns and go charging in no matter what. You’re brilliant.
I didn’t watch the video but I will say this. If the cops came up with their guns drawn then there is another issue that needs to be discussed as well.
ROTFLMAO Sure. Good luck with that
You nailed it Lozzle. We as gamers have a huge role in this. The culture of gaming has become so give me give me give me.... but free. So many out there don’t want to pay for anything when it comes to gaming. That or they wait till its been so discounted it is practically free. I understand that many can’t pay but…