
I think people tend to turn their hate for a company onto its employees. Of course there are ass hats that work there but there are ass hats that work any where. I have had more great experiences at Gamestops than bad ones. these people have a job to do and the questions are part of it. Just say no thank you and they

I need to finish persona 4!! I lost my save on vita of over 80 hours. It's been hell replaying it. How long is the game if you power through it on easy?

This is the beginning of the end lol

I'm really deep into metal gear ATM but this will be a for sure buy for me. I'm sure it's everything that everyone says but fuck I love action and this game seems to have a lot of just dumb ass action haha. I'm excited for it!

Lol so I got to watch the video and that shit was funny. I think the culture of watching the games rather than play them is a bit fucked as well. However, many people don't have time and I say more power to them.

Agreed and I think about all the great talent out there that don’t share their art, music, stories cause of this kind of mockery. I know it’s a big deal here on a gaming site when it’s a mockery of gaming but I see this happening everywhere. Society is heartless for sure.



I don't play Mobil games cause playing on my phone kills my hands and battery. It's good to hear it's fun. I'm not sure what it is but tombraider has been knocking it out man. Can't wait for the new one!

Haha I have it on box and ps4. Yeah it's amazing !

I swear I'm the only one of those 6 million that's haven't finished ;(

Thanks nick that's what I was thinking. I remember hearing that the streaming thing really put a wrench in the property right machine.

Please school me in video game property rights. It seems to me that if these companies wanted to push it. They could shut twitch down completely couldn't they? If I'm correct on this why is it news when a company flexes their property rights. Please don't flame me I'm just asking for clarification on this.

I always play female if I’m able which to be honest I Cant remember the last time I played something where I wanted to and weren’t able. I know Fight the good fight right lol

Thanks for the fucking nightmare Nathan *** looks under the bed.

So it’s been 6 months and counting. I have no unsubscribe button In my account. 6 months ago I emailed the support and they acknowledged that some people were having these issues. They gave me 3 months back and one free month. After that month I have been getting charged. It has been 6 months. I have kept all of

Im all about them having it. Options is always the better route. It’s just when hiding you have to lie when your friends ask, “Hey where were you?” Oh I was blah blah. Just seems easier to throw up busy and people know not to bother ya. It’s just my experience that people that go invis are either playing Ganes their

I see a lot of people asking about the Rez on Xbox and ps4. I read recently read it was 900p up scaled to 1080 on box and 1080p on ps4.

Even a status would be fine. Busy, away things like that. People always get mad cause I don't reply right away. Invisible is fine as well but why hide?

Most of the TV that I have watched in my life has been in the form of playing games. As an adult that hasn’t really changed. My wife is the same way but both her and I watched every single one of the voyager episodes when they ran. We loved the show. I remember the last generation was something people would talk about