
@demoneye: awesome! well done, well done indeed sir!

@ImperfectLink: someone please delete this post. appaerently i am too incompetent to post a picture.

@kazemizuhi: ah ok, thx. February 2009 - I guess that is why I didn't find it on the Charité website.

hmm, I checked the press releases of the german charité site november 1st till now and no mention of HIV, a cure or anything. what are your sources agin?

I'm glad that the church tells me I can't understand god because he and his cronies surely act like a-holes. I'm just glad that he's the peak of benevolence, otherwise we would be f-d.

@eric273: depends on where they put your corpse. i guess if they cremate you losing 20 pounds shouldn't be a problem.

@Rabinowitz: epic, thank you very much, made my day! (and my day sucked until now)

@M103: thank god i'm not the only one who didn't have a clue what this is all about.

I thought the drake equation was criticised for being arbitrary / entirely based on speculation? Also doesn't it asume that all civs die out within their solar system?

@Clashwerk: it's not clear yet indeed. although Bergmann, Möhrle und Herb come to the conclusion that "zumindest bei Einfamilien- oder kleineren Mehrfamilienhäusern oder bei Gehöften" das Speichern und zum Abruf bereithalten dieser Häuserfassaden nach § 28 Abs. 1 Satz 1 Nr. 3 BDSG unzulässig sei.<< (illegal to capture

@ps61318: um, get me babelfish, stat!

@ps61318: schnitzels originated in austria, not germany. although one could argue that austria is germany (well, was for some time) - funny post nonetheless.

@dj-hq: me too and i haven't heard anything about that story in the german media. citing pcgames as a news source is brilliant btw ;)

@OCEntertainment: they have a legal obligation, it is covered in § 28 Abs. 1 Satz 1 Nr. 3 BDSG which is the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (law for privacy protection)

@thinkerer: this works with coke too.

@vc-10: also, some boeing dreamliner engine went up in smoke recently...

@ShadowStaarr: not gonna happen. and that's not even meant as an insult.