I find this offensive.
I hate that trailer so much. It's the entire movie. Man.. that aside, I loved the movie and unlike Inky69, I thought the soundtrack (by John Murphy) was wonderful.
Adagio in D Minor - John Murphy
No, you were originally correct.. although I'm not sure about 'theme song'. It was originally scored for the movie Sunshine, but has been used in other movies after. Adagio in D Minor.
It was by John Murphy for the original score for the Danny Boyle movie, Sunshine, which was appropriately also a space movie.
http://youtu.be/ Bane also released all the prisoners in Gotham so... That would take like, forever to fix up. So... That's something for them to do.
This article is a bit difficult to navigate. Thanks for the pics though!
No clue...
Haha.. yeah those spoilers tags were extremely necessary (and will continue to be for the rest of this comment)
Bummer Broyles doesn't have a more crucial part in the final season of Fringe. I'd watch Fringe if it was just Broyles and Walter any day.
I agree with this statement entirely. He was such a cool dude in The Wire. I didn't even know he was in Lost, I watched the show a little unevenly.
So are they replacing Rick's role with the Govenor with Andrea? Anyway, looks pretty good; much more eventful than second season.
erm, not really I would say. There's no M Night Shyamalan happening or anything. It's just more of the experience. I just went into thinking it'd be a cheesy-good horror movie, that doesn't follow general expectations and includes some joss whedon humour/dialogue; I came out really really loving it. So.. I'd suggest…
Yes, do check it out. But keep in mind, the less you know going in, the better it'll be for you
World War Z had a strong heart, it wants to live!!
I promise I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm seriously only curious and would like to hear, what exactly was Art Nouveau architecture about? I never really studied the architecture of Art Nouveau, only the art and 2D Design of it.
Sometimes I feel like Alphonse Mucha gets way too much credit. Like whenever someone says Art Nouveau, they say "Alphonse Mucha". It was all lots of pretty girls with twisty hair, which were pretty but.. yeah I unno. Don't mind me, just complaining into the wind.
No need to be an ass about it, people can have their opinions. But yeah, I personally agree. Not a fan of the 3D.