That's my biggest want. I like to skim the comments before I ask a question or bring up a point as to not create unnecessary repetition.
There *has* to be a way to browse through the comments faster than this... one click at a time
My heart dropped when I read the words "iBrain" in the second sentence. For something supposedly so revolutionary, they pick such a name.
Here's an hour long talk Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson have on the subject of alien life. It's really interesting, plus a little funny.
Yeah I was kinda hoping what David said would be a bit more.. something, rather than what was expected; especially considering his conversation with Shaw just before they left about children wanting their parents to die.
But I still don't get why they assumed the engineers created humans. Where did they jump to that conclusion? I realize that Elizabeth said in the beginning that there was no proof and that she just believed. But like, there has to be some base for that belief to have come from. How does a bunch of people pointing to a…
But why isn't wolf princess rainicorn or jake?!?
You know who did the title credits for this? Kyle Cooper. The awesomeist title credit guy ever. He was also the guy who did the Se7en title credits, as well as a bunch of other amazing ones.
Here's the link if anyone's interested:
There were a lot of long comments, so excuse me if someone mentioned this already.
Or a Korean boy band hoping to make it big in America.
4) but, but, BISHOP!
I never actually did see Stargate.
I have to say I'm surprised. Almost every show/movie Canada has produced has been... not so great.
It was my dream since I was a child to be respected by Rawr Dragenz. I don't know what to do with my life now.
no worries, there are too many memes out there to keep up
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be.
I'd like an "appear offline" mode so that I can play a hero by myself once and a while without explaining to my friends that I don't feel like playing with them at the time.