It is actually the world's largest civilian building, most expensive administrative building, and heaviest building. It is the largest stone building, and the second largest building on earth behind the Pentagon...
It is actually the world's largest civilian building, most expensive administrative building, and heaviest building. It is the largest stone building, and the second largest building on earth behind the Pentagon...
Faulty electronics could be blamed here, I guess... Since the speed regulating system can act on the gearbox, the accelerator and the brakes, I guess it could occur this kind of troubles.
It is not a first in France, and it has alwmost always happened with Renaults...
Best car related video i've seen this year... And since 2013 has only been on for a month and a half, i'll add 2012 in the same bucket, for good measure... Way to go, Corbin !
i was thinking about this instead of the frog... the "g string" rear of the F12 is peculiarly looking alike the front of this rendering...
Is this a prequel to a Wrecked Exotics serie?
Is it normal that we cannot login with Old Jalopnik Accounts anymore?
sorry wrong comment.. tired...
He actually had repercussions...
I guess i'll do the highlights, then...
Now that's journalism ! 89 seconds of my life, wasted there...
Even in GTA that would be absolutely awesome and hard to achieve... Properly epic !
It is one of the bast hatchback France has produced over the past 10 years (let alone the DS3), and with the 16V engine, it packs enough power to have some fun...
I'm french, and now i must resist the urge to pre order one...
I started dated my girlfriend by pulling a trick similar to this one (minus the Audi, the crowd, and the suit...)... We're still together after 3 years...
I was used to drive an old Citroen Xantia that was as noisy as a plane... Seriously, you could not hit 140kph not only because the engine was too slow, but also because from 110kph to 130, the car was shaking all its metallic bones and making rattling and windy noises...