
Up next : they'll make another SUV, which size, weight, power and price wxill be exactly halfway between the Macan and the Cayenne...

Was?? Kein Panzer ?? Ach !!

Trolling, done right...

Now playing

Also, it can be refueled by ingestion of rabbits... Mercedes Racecars are awesome...

Still better designed that this...

Is it me or that rear end is en bit Sagarish ?

In other news, Usain Bolt committed suicide when watching this video.... Seriously, this man does something like 60km/h from that bike to the truck...

I wonder how can this guy fits his GI-NORMOUS balls of platinum in this tiny cockpit...

I appreciate the cultural aspect of this joke, I thank you for making it, I heartclick you for the two last fact, and as a bonus here is an animated picture of a man applauding your genius...

Not car related, but still showing the conditions... and still on the coast of the Leman Lake...

I would go for a Subaru... Sub-zero-aru...

"Essentially all of Europe is still in the grip of a winter cold front that has killed well over a hundred people and endangered thousands more."

The R5 GTT and thé clio V6 are the closest things we have... Other questions: why didnt Peugeot made the 908 and 907? Same question actually goes with most of thé french concept (Citroën revolt and GT, Peugeot Hoggar.....)

Hey, it could be worst... like a "In case of panic punch here" joke, relating to a pregnant woman's belly...

In other news, coathangers companies are expecting an increase in their sales...

The fact that a lot of these are still running and able to do a bespoke rally in the saharian desert still baffled me... Google 4L Trophy, and you'll see what I mean...

I'm not saying in any ways that every car should have these criterias... But if you are looking for a reliable frnehc car, you should go according to the checklist...

The turbo version is indeed unreliable... But I had the 1.9l d on both of my cars, and it seems it could run forever...

No, not at all... I'm not an "attention whore" if this is what you mean...