
Slick Willy, but no Obama??  Fail.

I take it the early release this month is so people can capitalize on the free trial of the new “Gambit” mode on Sept 1st

Warmind was great

Meh, personality-less Ferrari rip-off.

takes a propagandist to know a propagandist I guess... and the “Coastal Rich”??? So you mean blue-staters, aka the only rich people who Trump doesn’t like, aka the target of his petty, narcissistic ire??? Surprise surprise... and besides, if you think those rich blue-staters haven’t found loopholes to protect their

As someone working in the insurance industry, you’re dead on.  That is LITERALLY the definition of insurance

We don’t know the crowd held him, that’s only according to the dude who got his ass beat.

Sadly, your not wrong.  Social D has the old-school machismo thing going on which all the “libertarianism is punk” people just love.

And the original skinheads were anti-racist rude boy defenders of the working class.  The racist kind are despised by the punk rocker.

I would actually consider playing a card game if it was on a mat like that

shiiiiiiiiiiiit i need that Black Talon... I’ve missed my bolt-caster dearly

1. F*ck Moscow

Nah, we can still say “F*ck Rednecks”, we just have to organize and vote more than those back assward hillbillies

Yeah, there was never any doubt that her “Kidney treatment” was actually “Facial wrinkle treatment”... gold-diggers gotta keep up appearances, otherwise she’ll go the way of Ivana and Marla.

I’m sure this will be a PS4 and Xbox killer the same way the Google Phone was an iPhone killer....

So until EVERY SINGLE WHITE PERSON actively takes to the streets on behalf of everyone else, we’re all evil.

“Pol Pot... It’s such a great pot, a beautiful pot. Some say even the best pot. I bought one for all my Trump Tower kitchen staff.”

“who cares if Trump shoots someone in the face?? Obama once stepped on a guy’s foot.” -Trumpers

I’m totally sold on that helmet. The game itself though?? Not as much.

I’m totally sold on that helmet. The game itself though?? Not as much.

Nothing about the first game was fun, at all. That’s not the point of the series. It’s supposed to be exhausting, and make you feel the same way the characters do by the end of the story. If you want fun + zombies, play Dead Rising or something