
I’m just glad it wasn’t Christmas day or anything. January second is enough time where he wouldn’t feel like it’s overshadowed. But I have a few years before I need to worry about that!

Played a good amount of games over the holiday break. Haven’t played the past few days since the wife and I are in the hospital with the birth of our son! Everyone is happy and healthy and we’re going home today! I was going to bring my switch but decided I had more pressing responsibilities in the hospital. If

That does sound intriguing

I can’t tell if this made me more interested or less...

Everyone talking about Nier talked about all the different storylines and as an outsider who is intrigued by the game, what’s up with the storylines? Do you beat A and go straight into B then C, etc? Is it like star Fox where if you take a different path you get a different story? Do they relate to a decision you make

For me Darksiders 2, I should be done this game but BoTW came along and derailed it. Then after spending so much time on Zelda I went back to my PS4 for a while. Other games I have that I need to beat: star Fox, zombie-u, tomb raider. But with the Switch being opened Monday, I have a feeling it’s going to be a lot of

Is there an AV club splat fest group or something for Splatoon 2?

Downloading that and Mario Kart on Christmas day. Getting odyssey and snipperclips cartridges Christmas day. Really excited!

Home from work today, getting some windows replaced. So I’ve been banished to the basement in my own house, by strangers! But, that’s where my PS3 resides and since finishing Wolfenstein: The New Order last month, I haven’t picked up the PS3 since. So today I might start through Infamous 2, I really enjoyed the first

One week closer to getting the Switch! Been trying to get through Darksiders 2 still, at the Psychameron and it’s really tough. Still going to try to beat it but I’m losing interest.

Just saw all the comments about the Zelda dlc, add that to the catalogue!

So excited for splatoon 2 on Christmas day!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Thank you for putting that together and running it for so long! I always enjoyed it! This makes me getting a Switch for Christmas that much better, I’ll join on the 18th in January! Or will that be switched to the 8th now that there won’t be a conflict?

Getting the moon on a stick is probably the most likely thing to happen compared to the kinja requests. I agree with all of them though.

In my finishing up Wii-U games quest prior to Christmas, I’ve put some time into Darksiders 2 and I’m at the judicator’s tomb, getting the third soul. Hoping to put some more time into that this weekend. At this point I’m just playing it because I put in 18+ hours so I feel I need to finish it. I’ve heard it can get

I didn’t know any of that! I’m surprised I’ve ever finished in the top 10 after reading that. I’ll definitely try that out more next time I play. I’m assuming you build at the center of the map so you don’t have to abandon your fort when the storm shrinks?

I think that’s party of my problem, I rarely build anything. I need to start doing that more but I’m still figuring it out and seeing what works.

Best finish I’ve had in Fortnite: Battle Royale is 9th. I’ve basically come to grips with the fact that I’m never going to get first place in that game. I still really enjoy it though.

I’ve been thinking about hopping back into Hyrule but I have too many other games to play. I am really excited for the DLC. I wish there was a way to transfer all my BoTW save data from my Wii-U to my Switch (when I open it on Christmas). That would be nice.

Avoiding spoilers is key to Breath of the Wild. I made sure to not read anything before and the sense of discovery is amazing in that game.